Losing hair

Hello everyone,
Finally home from hospital but still going down each day to have intravenous antibiotics until 4th the 2nd session of chemo starts on 5th.
My hair started falling out on Thursday and that really freaked me out. I cried for hours ! So today I have shaved it all off. My head feels very weird. Does anyone have suggestions as to what to put on it as it feels very dry ?
I really hope everyone has a better week. Nearly half way through !

I should add this to your monthly thread I can see you are on the June 17 thread!

Thanks Rosie14.
How do I do that ?

Hi Jintz

Sorry to hear about your hair falling out.I’m practically bald now(it takes a bit of getting used to!),and when I’m not wearing my wig,I wear a soft woolly hat around the house. I find it quite comfortable and it’s easy on my scalp. Hope it all goes well for you.



Hi Pate,
Thanks for your reply.
I am finding it harder to deal with than the side effects of chemo to be honest. I have a wig too but feel strange wearing it so mainly wear a particular scarf I like. I suppose I need to change my mind set .
How many more sessions do you have to have ? Are you well with them ?