Losing weight on Tamoxifen

Hi everyone.
I have been on Tamoxifen since September 2011. During my treatment last year (6xFEC-T, Radiotherapy and 18 Herceptins) I put approx 1 and a half stones in weight on. Going from 9st 10lb after diagnosis to 11st 8lb at my heaviest. On New Years Day this year, I dug out my Weightwatchers books and folllowed it to the letter until May. It took me all that time to struggle to get to 10 st 12lb. And then the weight loss stopped. No matter what I did, I could not get below 10st 12lb. So…I gave up!!!
Then I decided 7 weeks ago, with my 50th birthday party looming in November, I’d like to try again. So this time I paid and rejoined Weightwatchers, thinking if someone was actually weighing me every week, Id be even more disciplined!! (Not that I wasnt last time). I weighed in at 11st 5.5lb. After one week I lost 3.5lb, then 1lb, then 2lb, then I stayed the same (having stuck rigidly to the plan-I just want to shift this weight), then i lost 0.5lb!! So that was 0.5lb in 2 weeks!!! I have not cheated once in the whole 6 weeks. I weigh myself on my own scales every morning, which I know they say not to but I cant actually see what difference that makes to be honest, other than preparing yourself for the dissapointment at weigh in at the class. I have been the same weight on my own scales EVERY day for 2 and a half weeks.
I feel so demoralised. I am currently 10st 12.5lb. Am I destined to always be this weight?
Is is the Tamoxifen? I have read different reports on the internet about whether is proven to cause weight gain.
Has anyone else had this same struggle? And if so how did you overcome it?

Mandy xx

Hi Mandy,
I have resigned myself to being fatter for the next 4 years as I too cannot lose weight on Tamoxifen and I do not eat any different to what I did before the BC dx. Except to say I no longer eat crisps as they are my biggest temptation and a sure cause of weight gain. I have worked at the same place for 24 years and have always had a size 12 uniform but when it was time for me to go back, my uniform was tight , so on health grounds they let me order a size 14 uniform. I was mortified and l felt like cutting the labels out of all the garments BUT now I have decided to love myself as I am for a while. Everyone says I look really well, even though I feel fat, and most of all my hubby does not seem to mind as he too has a spreading waistline which is not beer or food related, just middle aged spread!! My Mum says " Be Happy you are Healthy"
My weight has changed over the years . i used to be about 8 stones 2 , as I am little , only 4ft 11. then I went up to roughly 8 stones 12 before chemo , then after chemo my weight soared to 9stones 6. The fattest and heaviest I have ver been in my life . I like you cannot move it with diet alone and I now need to incorporate exercise into my weekly routine. We used to go swimming twice a week before dx , but I am not as comfortable swimming as I used to be, so maybe we can invest in a rowing machine for our Christmas present to outselves !!
Good luck with it all. I am the big 50 next year and wanted to celebrate with a big Ball for Breast Cancer Care, but at this rate I wont get a dress big enough and small enough in height to fit me. LOL Love Tracy xxx

I must be one of the few oddities who has actually managed to lose weight on Tamoxifen!!
I’ve been on Tamoxifen for 18 months now and started following Slimming World but just at home, about 9 months ago, so far have lost a stone and a half. There’s still plenty to come off but its working!!
I’m not nearly as strict as I should be, and I did put weight back on when I went on holiday which has taken me some time to shift again, but I’m almost back to my pre-holiday weight. I aim for small goals - 2 lbs a month is more than enough for me and I don’t feel like I’m missing out.
P.S. We should start an ‘about to be 50’ club - mine is just before Christmas!!
Clare x

I have just finished 5 years of Tamoxifen so am interested to see what happens to me weight wise!
However, like you whilst on it I had 4 years of being heavier than I wanted to - all in all I put about 2 stone on. I did diet losing about 8lb but got stuck on 11st 4! My heaviest weight was 11st 12. Last Summer I was about 11st 5lb and then I gave up drinking alcohol (I drank every day)! No dieting just not drinking wine etc. The weight fell off me and in 3 months I lost about 18lb and am now 10st 2lb. I have replaced the alcohol with cake but have stayed the same!
One other change was an increase in exercise at this time too - I have always run a couple of times a week but I started running up to 4 times a week. Exercise is a great way to increase the deficit between calories in and calories out!
I am also 50 next birthday! :wink:
Pauline x

Hi Ladies
I went from 10st 10 to 12st 4 after chemo and at 5ft 2 I resembled an oompah loompah, I have managed to get down to 11st 10 a loss of 8lbs but thats it I have stopped losing weight too, I have been on Tamoxifen since August and I am also 50 next birthday ( Feb ) ,

Janice x

My consultant says there is no link between Tamoxifen and weight gain but like most of you I’m still eating the same as always and have gone from a size 12 to size 18 and still rising I’m only 5ft2. Am really, really fed up and am only halfway through my 5 years. I live in joggers and PJs because I can’t afford to keep buying new clothes only to outgrow them within a couple of months.
I’ve had mastectomy, chemo, radio and have lymphodema but it’s the Tamoxifen that’s been by the far the worst.
Sorry, don’t have any handy hints for anyone or anything positive to say, just needed a rant!

Hi all

i recently saw my consultant and had a moan about my weight and he says the tamoxifen would be a contributing factor. Deep joy.
After putting on 2.5 stone during my chemo (i looked like a weeble) I did manage to lose 2 stone but cant lose the last half. recently ran a half marathon for BCC so its not like Im sat on my bum doing nothing about it.
Cant give up my odd glass of wine though as i need something to keep my sanity
Rant over xx

Hi all,
Been back to Weightwatchers and managed to lose 1.5 pounds this week!!! Hoorah!!! At last its moving again!!! But, if anyone is familiar with the Weightwatchers plan, you may be aware we are allowed 26 points per day and an additional 49 points to use however you like over the week. Apparently they say you will still lose weight even if you use them all. I used 25 of the weekly ones when I stayed the same and 11 of them the week I lost 0.5 pound. So obviously I have to resign myself to a life of eating barely anything if I want to keep this weight off!! God forbid I treat myself to the FULL 49 weekly points!!!
Oh well, Ill stick with it until I get to where I want to be. Then I’ll reassess!!!
Good luck to everyone with your weight loss
Mandy xx