Low blood pressure

Has anyone had low blood pressure and still had surgery?
I am worried. My blood pressure usually is normally. Lately it’s been hovering around 85 / 55. I have no idea why but can only think it might be because I have cut out all meat and dairy. I do feel light headed occasionally. I have tried taking some iron just nothing seems to be improving it. Any idea what causes low blood pressure? I am supposed to be having mastectomy and reconstruction on Tuesday and am really worried it might get delayed. I need to do everything I can to not have it delayed as i can’t wait any longer before chemo :frowning:

Hi Molliana, have you been having your blood pressure checked at different times of day? - tends to be lower first thing in the morning or after eating. I take it you aren’t on any sedative or antidepressant drugs which would lower it and are you well hydrated?? Anaemia can cause low BP so are you replacing the iron you’re not getting through meat with another dietary source? Iron suplements can be a bit harsh on the digestion ! Vitamin C helps with absorption of iron too .
When was your pre-op check and what did they say about your BP then ??
Hugs ,

I am taking a massive dose of vit c every day and have just got some iron supplements.
I am not replacing the iron with anything because I simply didn’t know what to replace it with. I am also starting to be conscious about keeping up with fluids.
I managed to get my blood pressure up for the pre op check by parking really far away and running to the appointappointment while drinking a can of coke. I ran through the door late and the nurse said sit down we will take your blood pressure. I know it’s lower in the morning but just taken it again and it’s still only 89 / 59. I am really worried they will postpone the surgery?

Thank you. I don’t drink tea or coffee and am only really drinking green tea now.
I totally get what you are saying but i really can’t have surgery delayed because that will delay chemo. I found this lump just before Xmas and two biopsies, a WLE and a reExcision have led me to still be sitting here awaiting chemo. They keep saying it’s fine and the delays can’t be helped but everything I have read and even the helpline here says I should be starting chemo asap. I feel like they are playing around with my life and I have a four year old.
So what i need to do is get my blood pressure back up. Going out for mothers day meal tonight so am just going to eat normally on top of the four packets of salted crisps I have had today! I am desperately trying to get it back up to normal.

Yes thank you. I am sure mine will go up pre op. That will be good. I am worried about how it’s going to be after three or four hours in theatre.
I have got a blood pressure gauge at home. Have borrowed it from someone. So am keeping on with the iron tablets. Have eaten loads today too so hopefully it will go back up to nearer normal! Unfortunately I am really noticing it being low as i have been really light headed.