Low white cell count and low neutrophils

I had my bloods taken yesterday, 8 days on from 1st chemo, and nurse has advised that my white blood cells are really low and low neutrophils. I was surprised at this as I have felt really ok, not really tired. Has anyone else hag this after just one session on FEC? Is there anything I can do to increase the count? I am already eating a lot of fruit, veg and Manuka honey. Any advise would be much appreciated. 



The same happened to me… I felt okay too… I was told it is pretty common so please try not to worry too much x

Yes I had this after same period of time and ended up in hospital with infection. They gave me an injection daily called Lonqual which boosted my white blood cells. I now get one as standard the day after my chemo.

Hi all normal my platelets dropped to 8 ! Was then given an injection in the tummy a day after each chemo, they dropped every time but within a week back to normal xx