Moon face

I’m starting chemo at the beg of Jan and apart from all the other blasted side-effects am now in a spin about MOON FACE as a se of the steroids. Does everyone get it, and any tips on avoidance or mitigation?


thanks ladies



Hi there, I am due to have my last chemo a week today and have not experienced Moon Face so it must just be some who it happens to. Xxxxxx

I have just finished the steroids after my first cycle and I look really good! My skin looks amazing, my hair has gone really curly and no moon face or weight gain. Unfortunately I feel pants. But I look great :smiley:

Very good news Em ! Keep smiling - looking good is half the battle as that’s what people respond to so a virtuous circle develops! A x

O jane, ive been reading the side effects too… big mistake I reckon,  freaked myself out! I found a website called chemo care in the states that told me what all the acrynons were as my regime has differant names to yours, well…it was very interesting, then my brain panicked … 


Although its like a scary movie, I find myself unable to resist,  looking at it through my fingers bit like watching Dr Who as a child. (Or now if Im honest)



I have decided to wait and see what the chemo nurse tells me , I figure he knows.  And just reading here we’re all the same but differant.  

I’ll still read those pages but as a science project … xxxx