Nervous about results

Hello everyone. Last Thursday I had a microductectomy, I’m not sure how much the consultant removed as I didn’t see him before I was discharged but he was hoping he would find the milk duct causing the problem but he did warn me that if he couldn’t locate the exact one he’d remove a group of tissue from behind the nipple. He was sending the removed duct/tissue to the lab for testing and I have to go back next Friday to get the results. I hate this part and my mind is going crazy. I’ve also had trouble coming to terms with the size of the scar and the bruising I had from the surgery but I’m slowly getting used to it well not bursting into tears every few seconds anymore. I think its my own fault really I didn’t really ask enough questions just agreed with everything he said and said no questions, didn’t fully understand what was going to happen and still don’t know what exactly he did. I also think I thought that once surgery was done it was over, didn’t really think about the way it would look afterwards even if it is temporary. All in all I feel a bit of an emotional wreck really. In some ways I can’t wait to get to next Friday as at least then I’ll know what we are dealing with. Anyway thank you for listening to my waffle.

Can understand your feelings as i was so stressed waiting for my biopsy results.From reading this site and our breast problems whatever they are…we are all so different it seems…but our emotions it seems are all so similar…need to chat as our family even though supportive cannot understand how we feel.Keep in touch.


I echo ashby’s response although I have biopsy tomorrow. The waiting is horrendous. I can certainly empathise with that. I am guessing that although I have an appointment tomorrow I still won’t know anything because most posters like yourself, say that even after a biopsy it can take a week or more. 


Please let me know what the outcome is for you? Hopefully you will have answers.
