New Look BCC

Another new look, another new logo, another rebrand, another relaunch… And so the money goes… Is this what people are fundraising for?!

With BCC changing their image almost as often as the energy companies put up their bills, it’s no wonder to me that Jo(e) Public can’t identify this organisation amongst the sea of pink. Maybe to consolidate an identity, you need to keep it for a little while, rather than wasting more money changing it. Yet. Again.

Will existing literature with the “old” branding be binned, even though the information therein is correct? What a waste!

I think you do have a point Angelfalls, BCC  really needs to “Settle” on something that they like and more importantly “works” for everyone and maybe stop trying to tweak the site constantly , most people like to see something that is “Familiar” and also easily Recognizable, by keep changing, tweaking, and re-branding, the organization, It surely will just become confusing to the general public ,and I’m sure it must also continually cost money all the time, which  I would think could be far better spent elsewhere, this is the 4th website change , and it seems to still be making  changes, since I first joined Bcc 6 yrs ago, and  for me personally after using them all over the yrs I still think the very first one was the best. (If it aint broke, maybe don’t fix it? )


I also can’t really understand why people don’t know about BCC ,because if you type Breast Cancer into any Google search bar ,BCC is the 3rd site to be displayed on the very front page, just beneath CRUK , I’m also pretty sure that most breast clinics pass out info and leaflets from breast cancer care too (I know mine do).


I really hope this is the last reincarnation also for a good long while ,as rather than becoming more recognisable, for me at the moment BCC is actually becoming more “Unrecognisable”.









It’s not just the website, Cornish Girl.

So, all publications will have to be reprinted with the new branding, volunteers will get new t-shirts, stationery, business cards, etc. And any item with the old branding will just get binned… Or, at best, recycled! And I just can’t help wondering about the cost of all this…

Thanks for your response, Helen. It’s good to hear that BCC will be using up old materials before replacing them with the new look versions. That certainly wasn’t the case back in 2007/8 when, as a volunteer, I was told not to use anything with the previous logo as it would dilute the rebrand and cause even greater confusion among the general public if BCC was using two different images at the same time… Good to hear that thinking has changed and that in 2013, a more ‘waste not, want not’ use of limited financial resources is taking precedence.

However, I agree with much of what Cornishgirl has said and question how much of the cost of this latest rebranding will actually be recouped, given the current economic climate. I sincerely hope that your research on this point is more accurate than your research on the forum update and this year’s SBCAD…

I would also like to add that I think it’s a real shame that the colour of the Lavender Trust hasn’t been incorporated into the new branding, especially given the rising numbers of under-50s being diagnosed. Some kind of recognition of those of us with mets would have been appreciated, too - maybe some black or dark purple… But that’s just my personal opinion, of course.

Not sure how I ended up here, but I’ll add my two pennethworth anyway.  The shape and style of the logo is ok, but I feel that it will quickly become dated.  The colouring is wrong though.  Orange is just not right, and a bit jarring.  The problem is that just about every colour has been claimed by some sort of group as theirs, and because of the dominance of Pink I think that the groups already associated with orange will not be very accepting of it and may see it as another case of Pink dominating the fund raising scene.  Maybe different shades of pink would be better, or including Lavender for the Lavender Trust which comes within the remit of BCC anyway.  Actually you could have used the colours in the Lavender Trust logo.


Good to hear you are not just going to be scrapping all the old stuff.  Lord knows now much is wasted by institutions each time they rebrand.  In my opinion if you have to keep rebranding you are in danger of losing your core supporters who already support the brand that you have and may feel alienated by the new styling.