New Member

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed in Feb with grade 3 Dcis , had lumpcetomy , 6 lots of fec chemo and just finished 15 sessions of radiotherapy . Got through it all with not too many side effects thank goodness . Just wanted to say to all the recently diagnosed keep positive and you will be surprised how quickly you get through all your treatment .

Hello and welcome to the forum,


I am glad to hear your treatment went well.

Could I please ask you to confirm that you had an invasive breast cancer, such as IDC? 

You gave your diagnosis as DCIS, which is ductal carcinoma in situ and as such is never treated with chemotherapy. Also DCIS is graded as low, intermediate and high, whereas IDC is graded as 1,2 or 3.

I am just concerned that other people with a DCIS diagnosis might think they should also receive chemotherapy and become overly concerned.

There are people who have both DCIS and IDC and the treatment is always based on the IDC as the DCIS is viewed as an incidental finding in this scenario.


Best wishes