New lump after WLE

Hey there.

I had a WLE on 7th May and yesterday i noticed a lump below the scar. Not felt it before. Its not sore and is not on the scar line.

Is this normal?
Anyone got any advice??
Feels like a round pebble but also a ridge too.

Bitttttt worried altho went to clinic on friday and consultant did not mention anything when he examined my boob.

thanks ladies!

Did you mention it to the surgeon?It is probably scar tissue as your op was so recent but it is always as well to ask.Maybe your bcn would take a look if you are anxious.

Well i thought it could be scar tissue- area they took out was fairly big i guess.

Not a hyperchondriac as a rule- just bit sensitive at mo!



Just thought I’d let you know that I had two WLE’s in the same place and there are some lumpy areas around mine too.

Nobody seemed concerned about them wither,

Just part of the paranoia I think- every little lump and bump will make us anxious won’t it?

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

thank you freddie!
Ive poked and come to the same conculsion!
Cancer doesnt suddenly spring up and i was checked friday!