Newly diagnosed

Hi I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, can anyone please advise me - has anyone had either lumps cut out and breast reduction or lumps cut out and breast implants. I have been offered both but have no idea what to go for, thank you

Hi there Lummy and welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure you will find lots of support and shared experiences

You may find the following information from BCC helpful regarding treatments, just follow this link :

Please feel free to call our helpliners to talk your options through, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000, you will find practical and emotional support here

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Mickylum


Sorry that you joined our horrible club. Depending on the size and location of your lump you may be either offered either a wide local excision (lumpectomy) or a mastectomy. Wide local excision involves the removal of the lump and an area of healthy tissue and mastectomy involves the breast being removed.


Most surgeons opt to give you a WLE as less invasive surgery and quicker recovery time. They also want to try and save the breast if possible.


You will get loads of support on here and stick to this website as other sites/statistics are out of date and are frightening. I should know as done it and been terrified ever since :frowning: also only stick the sections that apply to you at the moment.


Love and best wishes xxx