Nipple reconstruction

Thanks to all of you who answered my query re: nipple recon and local anaesthetic your responses were really helpful.
I have just one other question to ask as my PS has not got back to me yet and I’m reluctant to accept a surgery date until I’ve got this clear in my head.
Those of you who have had nipple recon using your own skin, do you think you lost any ‘volume’ from your reconstructed breast ?
My recon breast is slightly smaller than my good breast which has been reduced, but I don’t want to lose any more volume on recon side so am wondering if I need another fat transfer?



Hi Jude,
I had a nipple recon. on 9th April and it has healed really well and is looking very good.
I did not loose any volume at all, my PS took a small amount of fat with the skin to form the shape. I am very pleased so far and am due back for a check up next week where I hope to go onto the list for the tatto.
Hope this helps you.
A x

Hi Jude, I had mine done way back in February. If I had to be really picky, then I would say that maybe there is a slight, and I mean a very slight ‘flattening’ - but it is very very small, and with the raised nipple buds it’s imperceptible - but I’m very picky about my new boobs!
That said, it is well worth doing as the difference nipples make to the breast mounds is amazing!
Sue x