No reconstruction?

I am considering no reconstruction after a single mastectomy. Has anyone else done this?



Hi Jennie,

i had a single masectomy without reconstruction and am happy with the decision I made. I am only a b cup so i think that helped with the decision not to reconstruct but the main reason was I didn’t feel as if I wanted to go through a long operation and recovery. I also have other health problems and just didn’t feel that I wanted to cope with the extra surgery.


I have a prosthesis and that is fine for me and clothed I really don’t think you can tell any difference.



5 years for me, l too don’t want further surgery. Now have almost full movement in my arm (had full node clearance) and the lymphoedema has settled well, don’t need to wear a sleeve at all, still do daily massage but it’s more like  moisturising now.

i am E cup but stick on Betty Boob and good full cup bra, no one notices even in the communal changing room at work.

Never regretted my decision.