Other option?


I had my left side mx in June 12. I still have days where it twangs but have sort of got used to it now as the new normal. My problem is I hate the prosthesis! I have read up on the reconstruction stuff but if I am honest it just doesn’t appeal.
Thinking more about it, what I would like is symetry and wondered if anyone had heard whether you can request removal of the other side as an alternative? I am 57, don’t want to parade a wonerful bust any more. I dont want to go around with just 1 either and feel none would be the answer for me? It would be an added plus not to worry about BC there in the future too.
Any thoughts welcome.

Hi Kahren,
I am only 3 weeks on from Mx, but am already thinking about what I might do. I discussed having a double MX at the time with my surgeon for the same reason, but as medically there wasn’t a reason to remove my other side, we decided against it at the time, though they were happy to do it if I insisted. However, they did say that if I went for reconstruction, I could have whatever cup size I wanted, and they would increase/reduce the remaining breast to match. If they are happy to do this, I can’t see why removal to even us up would be a problem. If we don’t ask, we will never know.

If they are reluctant, perhaps we should start a campaign!

Best wishes, MM

Thanks for your reply Mungos_mum.
I was told I could have reconstruction, I just dont fancy the major surgery it involves or having more time out of work. I am at a paranoia point in terms of whether I am going to get it the other side and as I feel at the moment if it was gone then so much the better!
I will ask when I see someone again in about a month. Looking on here I havent found anyone who has had this as an option. I was too shell shocked before the op to think really so it never occured to me then. Now, I am quite happy at home braless, but have to wear the dreaded prosthesis at work or in the public eye. I foresee it being even more uncomfortable come the warmer weather too.

I feel exactly the same. I asked about the probablility of an occurance in the other side before I had the surgery and was told that it was less than a 5% chance, but whether that is a national statistic or one based on my circumstances I am not sure. I also have concerns about the major surgery required for reconstruction (at least 2, if not more if there are problems) and I understand a mastectomy is not such a shock to the body, and you tend to recover faster.
I have a post op review next week, and will find out if this is an option too. I will keep you informed!

I feel the same way. Had my Mx last July then the nodes were removed one month later. I have had an infection in the scar which involved 3 courses of antibiotics and nearly a week in hospital on intravenous antibiotics. Cellulitis the Doctor called it. I am heavy breasted and feel the prosthesis plus the extreme summer heat has contributed to this. Wished both breasts could have been removed as the lopsideness bothers me. I would rather be flat chested. Am now wearing bras with pockets I have handstitched and sewn into the cups with light stuffing.
I go braless and wigless at home and hate unexpected callers! I am hoping to have reconstuction in a year with a reduction of the remaining breast.

Thanks both of you - it is sooo good to know I am not totally oddball in feeling flat is an option! I havent had major issues with the last mx but it is not a pretty scar in that flat it isnt! My dream i that they would tidy that up at the same time. After mx I took paracetamol for 2 days and was fine from there on (apart from knocking the drain out in my sleep and having loads of fluid drained - 1/2 ltr seemed loads to me anyway). That is why I find this a better option too. Tummy tucks, skin expanders etc just dont appeal!

I had my mastectomies a year apart so I’m completely flat now. I think, on balance (though maybe that’s a wrong choice of phrase!) I prefer being flat to being lopsided. I don’t mind my prostheses and I think it’s helped that I’ve chosen to be a smaller cup size. My real boobs were DD’s and I’ve gone down to a B. I’m still pondering what to do about reconstruction. It would be nice to have a more rounded shaped but I’m back at work now and really enjoying it although at first I felt like the new girl when I went back. Reconstructive surgery such a big operation and I’d have to be off work and then have to re-adjust all over again. The other problem is my scars look ugly because I’ve got horrible flaps of flesh left under my arms so even if I don’t have a recon I’m going to have to ask the surgeon to tidy me up a bit. It’s all decisions, decisions isn’t it. xx

Hi Kahren.
I’m due to have an mx on my bc side hopefully about the end of April, or begining of May when I’ve finished chemo. I phoned to my BCN because I dread being lopsided and my bra size is 32H so there’s lots to be lopsided about. I said I wanted to have a bilateral mx and she said that the surgeon would be unlikely to do that on this surgery. I’ve already had 2 x WLE and SNB, I also have a mother, aunt and grandmother all on my maternal side who’ve had bc so told her I don’t want loads of surgeries and I’m positive that I want it all done at the same time. She told me I would need counselling before having both removed to make sure I understand the realities of the outcome (I would wecome this). I was really upset by the end of the conversation.
I went to see my onc on Wednesday and said the same things to her, she couldn’t really answer me, but she asked if I would like to see the BCN. It was the same BCN as I had spoken to on the phone, but this time she said it was possible that the surgeon may do the bilateral mx and she has set me an appointment to speak to him (she had already done this after my call). She went through the reasons for counselling with me and I think I probably explained my reasons for what I wanted more clearly in person.
I think the bottom line is that they want to make sure that you understand the realities of removing a healthy breast, for me it’s important to have symmetry, even if that means nothing there until I decide if I want recon and to be confident that bc is as little likely to come back as possible.
My Dads wife had bc 10 years ago and had an mx. She regrets not having a recon or the other side removed because she feels so lopsided.
The way I’m thinking about it is that I’d rather have nothing and be most comfortable on the days when I don’t need them and if I do want them I’ll have 2 protheses and still be balanced. I also sleep on my front and am looking forward to the comfort of no obstructions!

I totally understand how you all feel. I chose to have a prophylactic mx with my bc mx - but I had immediate DIEP recon. Had I not wanted recon, then I would also rather had been breast free as the lopsided look wasn’t for me.
My bc surgeon and team were very accommodating and agreed that the would perform the surgery subject to my seeing a Psycologist. I was not at high risk, although my bs told me that having had bc once, then your risk of getting it again increases to 1:5 - I wanted to remove that risk as much as possible.