PICC lines - thoughts or tips

I have been offered a PICC line insertion for the rest of my treatment (2 more FEC then x3 taxol)
I think I will go for it as I hate being needled and having venflons in but does anyone have any tips for PICC management and how do you find it feels compared to having a venflon (ie the plastic needle they put in for drips and drugs).

Hi Gill. I have had a PICC for the last 3 cycles of my chemo and found it to be fantastic. It went in quickly and easily and I have had no problems with it. It has been a godsend as I have had several hospital admissions during neutropenic episodes and almost all bloods were taken directly from the line. It takes away the stress of cannulation on chemo days too.

I cannot feel the line in place. It sits halfway up the upper part of my arm and is covered by a tube gauze dressing. I do wear t-shirts so it is clear there us something in my arm and that sometimes makes me feel conscious that I have something wrong with me at the moment. It is not significant enough to bother me a lot. You cannot immerse the line in a deep bath or swim etc with it and I miss the deep bath but it is only for a few weeks of life, after all.

That is my experience. Best wishes. Tanya x

Hi Gill, I’m haveing the PICC line put in on monday 2nd feb,i asked for this as my veins are very bad and i have a needle phobia,i’m hopeing this is going to be the best thing for me? I start my 6X FEC on friday 6th feb.If i have mine done befour you i will let you no how it all went.

Good luck and best wishes Karron xx

I’ll let you know if I go for it Karron!
How are feeling about starting FEC?

I’ll let you know if I go for it Karron!
How are feeling about starting FEC?

I had a PICC fitted last week. it is a pain with washing etc but as far as taking blood etc is concerned, it is a lot easier. Procedure took about 40 mins and it didn’t hurt. I was scared beforehand but now am quite glad I won’t be poked and prodded for ages trying to find a vein !


Hi Gill and everyone

As i said i would let you no how the PICC went, well here go’s…you will have to wait another week as i got a breast infection and have been put on antibiotics.But one thing good came out of me going to the hospital thay did find a good vein they could put it in…well roll on friday 13th when hopefull thay will put the picc in and start my chemo the same day.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone

Karron xx

Karron, but luck to have delay, I don’t know about you but I get fed up having to wait around for appointments, I just want to get it all over and done with. I had my 1st FEC on 23rd, felt rough last week with background nausea feeling but by Saturday was back to normal and feel fully back to speed now. Hope the infection clears up quickly.

I have sent you message via your inbox! Good luck for today

Hi Gill
Thanks got your message. well what a day. have now got my picc line in, to all you others out there it is not that bad and it does make having your bloods taken so much easier when you have got bad veins.Did find it hard to get to sleep on that arm though,hopeing it will get better :slight_smile:

karron xx

I had a PICC line in for all 19 weeks it took me to have 3 FEC and 3Taxotere and it was brill for me. My veins are terrible to find,and of course only having one arm they can choose from now makes it harder.

I had it in + 1st chemo on the same day. My hospital were just trialling a sleeve to wear over it so that you can have a proper shower.

I had to have an intravenous substance a few weeks ago and it took 3 of them and 3 attempts to find a vein; this made me even more glad that I had it in for chemo, it was wonderful!

Good luck
