

I am 47 and recently went to the Doctor because I had pain for 4 months, bad enough to keep me awake at night, but never found a lump. 


I had an mammogram, ultrasound and  then core biopsies as a lump was found at the site of the pain. 


I am very very lucky as it turned out to be a Fibroadenoma. However, I saw a Surgeon yesterday who said he would not remove it as the pain was unlikely to be caused by the Fibrodenoma. It was a general breast pain and possibly psychosomatic. I could understand if it was a generalised pain or the pain started after the lump but I had the pain first and then they found the lump ,exactly where the pain is.


I don’t like getting second opinions but I was very upset by his consultation…he was not at all constructive. Should see someone else? I thought at my age with pain it wad common practice to remove these benign tunmours of they hurt?


I don’t normally cry but was really upset as he offered no solution and suggeted it was purely stress related!

Hi Codie

Sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post as yet but hopefully someone will now see it and reply to you.  Could I also suggest that you give our helpline team a ring after the Bank Holiday weekend and have a chat with the staff there, they’re here to support you.  Calls are free 0808 800 6000 lines open again on Tuesday 9-5 for the remainder of the week and Saturday 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator