
Morning all, today will be my first perjeta with herceptin and taxotere. i did start a wkly chemo oflow dose paclitaxel but had only had 2 of them alongside 1 herceptin. A few hiccups later, a new drug and an onc who was very fast at getting the funding and we’re ready to go!
I wd love to hear from others on this combo and any of those who who were on the trial - im sure the general side effects wont be much different from other combos and of course every one’s experiences differ so much but happy to hear and share from anyone with experience of this new regime.
many thanks x

Bumping for alize so that this thread shows in Latest Posts.

Hi alize, I have PM’d you as I’m about to start this combo as well. If it gets into Latest Posts maybe others will respond.
Nicky x

Hi Ive been told i will be given this combination off drugs all at the same time at 3 weekly interrvals ,starting in2 to three weeks as long as heart results come back ok would luv to hear from someone x’

hi elliedog is on this combo I’m sure maybe send her a message x

thanks for the information geordiex i have sent her a message just waiting for a reply’ trying to find someone on here to talk too,someone who is or wii be going through the same treatment as me are few and far between infact no one as yet, wait in hope,it can be a lonely place to be.

its very new and not many people using it yet as its. only just becoming available I couldnt have it as I needed to start treatment straight away for secondaries to my liver ,I have herceptin and did paclitaxel as well ,perjeta has to be used before any other treatment has been tried for secondaries ,and you can’t hang around to wait ,best wishes Elaine x

i havnt had any other treatments this is my first diagnosis for breast cancer as already moved to lymph nodes, spine and ribs, so i havnt received any treatments yet,had first visit to my oncologist on Wednesday and he seemed to think he would get funding fairly quickly as he said i should be starting the treatment in 2/3 weeks which he said was the normal waiting time.

yes thats right I started my treatment in March so was best to get going x

Hi Everyone. I have sent a message to Tylerrose sorry I have taken so long I haven’t been on for a few days. I have just had my 4th treatment of chemo Perjeta and Herceptin and so far in body feel ok and at the moment very positive emotionally. I have had some SE but I am told they are mostly down to th chemo and to be honest the SE so far have been do able. I am beginning to feel a little tired but I still walk most days and entertain the kids and will be going to the Lake District in a weeks time. SE are - A rash 1st cycle but now under control or gone, bloody nose but that gets better each cycle, nerve sensation which comes and goes, and a perculiar sensation around my liver area which I hope is the drugs doing there job. I have a small spot on my liver which I hope can be kept under control or NED. I have also recently been reading about Oligimetestic breast cancer which is breast cancer with limited spread which show very promising evidence of long term survival ( i hope most of us come under this heading). I would love to hear others opinions on this subject. If anyone wants to message me about my cocktail of drugs so far you are more than welcome. Take care x

just read a little about it seems you have to have less than 5 lesions for it to be successful x

I have read the same. They also say that if treated aggressively from the start chemo surgery rads then it improves the chance of long term survival. Maybe this might encourage medical teams to scan people sooner in order to catch mets before they spread to far and give us the chance of long term survival. I’m hoping thats what my docs are doing now as only one spot has shown up in my liver.x