Please can this go here? Worried about lymphedema

Hi folks, I’m looking for some answers/ reassurance about lymphedema…

I’m three and a half months post WLE and removal of seven lymph glands, which were all clear.
Last week I finished 30 sessions of radiotherapy, and my skin seems to be recovering well.

However, on Saturday I carried two large bags of heavy shopping for about 100 metres before realising what an idiot I was being, and over the past five days I’ve had an increase in those bloated and sore feelings in my armpit and arm, but without obvious swelling. It’s something I’ve had on and off since the operation, but it hasn’t felt so constant - or worrying - till now.

I’m aware that it could be psychological, as I’ve definitely felt quite on my own with it all since finishing the RT - those lovely nurses and technicians who looked after me every day! Or maybe it’s simply that as my skin isn’t anywhere near so sore now, I’m only just noticing the bloating and sore feelings inside.

Anyway, has anyone else experienced this after finishing RT or after lifting/ carrying something far too heavy?


Hi Firecracker

I haven’t any great wisdom to offer but just wanted to say I understand your worry. I would rest, do the exercises and try to talk it over with your BCN.

Moya xx

Thanks everyone! It helps to know it’s normal to worry - and to be reminded to do the exercises. I’ve been fairly conscientious with them, but was wondering if I should stop for a few days - but I’ll carry on.

I never had any baseline measurements taken before the operation, in fact this is the first I’ve heard of them. I live in Spain and maybe that’s not the protocol here - should have done it myself!

My arm’s feeling better today, and I’m trying to be careful with it and not lift anything on that side - or anything heavy on the other side.

Thanks again,
Take care,

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