
Hi all,
Tomorrow I go to the hospital for my first appointment after getting the news almost two weeks ago. I know they’ll tell me the results of the core biopsy I had but not sure what else to expect. I feel as though I should be armed with lots of questions but my mind is a complete blank as what to ask. Any suggestions would be so helpful if you have any xx

Hi, they will tell you about the size, the type and what treatment is usual for your cancer. They will then suggest further tests for example I had a blood test to check for hormones, and then Mri at a later date. You will also meet your Breast Cancer Care nurse, she will be the one to go to when you have questions, need advice or just a chat. They will give you lots of booklets and info.


All I remember asking was is it treatable, over and over. I was shocked as assumed it was just a benign growth.


Sorry I can suggest any questions, when they talk to you I am sure questions will pop up and if you don’t ask any there and then you can call the nurse at a later date.


I got my results 13 Feb, treatment plan 6 March, mx 17 March and see Oncologist this week to discuss chemo. 


Stick to th9s website and Macmillian for info only.

Hello and welcome to the forum that none of us want to be a part of!


I would take someone with you for emotional support, plus they are more likely to remember what has been said than you. For most of us it is all a blur.


On my appointment I was told that yes, I did have breast cancer and that it was very small tumour. They had the E/P result which was negative for me and they did not yet have the HER2 result because that takes longer to come through. The grade and stage are not usually available to you yet either.


There are 3 things that “feed” your cancer and you will be in one of a number of groups. The most common is the E/R positive and HER2 negative. Unless you are very unlucky you won’t need chemo for that one. The “luck” you won’t know about until you have had surgery/scans to check if it has spread. 


You will feel much better once you know what is going on and what you will be facing. This site is a fabulous one for help and support and whatever you are thinking/feeling remember that we have been where you are now. Come back often and ask whatever you want to know about OR just come and unload your emotional baggage.


You will be fine I promise xxxx



Hi Karen, you’re literally a week ahead of me and I’ve been thinking the same thing! They already had the breast cancer nurse in the consultants room after I’d had my tests, so I already have her number but I don’t want to ask daft questions!! I’m terrified of what I’m going to hear at my appointment next thursday, even though they’ve already confirmed BC, I’m dreading finding out how advanced it has got! Sending lots of love, I hope it all goes as well as it can.

Thanks for the replies ladies, this has been the longest two weeks of my life and now the appointment is almost here I feel I need know as much as possible. I already know it’s multifocal which frightens me silly. My GP suggested I record it which I think I will do. I hope I get some answers. X

I took note book and pen and wrote down all key points I was told, I also had list questions.


Mainly wanting to know what options I had.


 He only gave me one but seei gbhim again on Monday so taking more extensive questions.


there is an info book on this site re asking questions, really usefil info here.


hope it goes well.





Hi Karen, the questions provided on this site are very useful, they’re in the information section.

My medical team were very kind, supportive and positive, so I hope yours are too.

I wrote down answers to my questions as I felt more in control. As I am an old granny I didn’t mind stopping them to explain or repeat stuff. I asked to be copied in to my GP letters.

Finally, I never asked a question I didn’t want an answer to!

 Best wishes. X

Thank you for all your replies. I found the questions on here and have a few of my own as well. So I’m just off now, wish me luck! Xx

Let us know how it goes Karen, thinking of you! X