Radiation and Tissue expanders

Hi Everyone

Just looking for advice or to see if anyone has had this experience, had single mascetomy with Tissue Expander placement in July as I knew I would need Rads.  Have finished now two weeks and skin burnt quite bad especially under arms and is now beginning to heal but my Tissue expander which was filled full at time of surgery is now doubled in size it is so sore, red and well massive, 

Has anyone experienced this , my skin is healing but the tissue expander seems to be expanding and I  dont think I can last the next six months with it like this ,


Hopefully you’ll get a reply in the next day or so from someone with a similar experience. In the meantime, do feel free to call our helpline if you’d like to speak to a specialist nurse. You can reach them on 0808 800 6000.

Take care, Becca at Breast Cancer Care.