Recalled after first mammogram for ultrasound and biopsy to other breast. Scared.......

I had my first mammogram last week after my diagnosis of primary breast cancer this time last year. This morning, my BCN rang me to tell me there is an area of “high density” with some calcification to my other breast and I have to go on Wed this week for an ultrasound and probable biopsy. She told me the area is 13mm and they are not unduly concerned-it is “in the middle” but because of my history, they want to check it out. To say I’m scared is an understatement. I can’t believe it-I’ve only recently returned to work and am just getting my life back on track. Feels like sombody is taking the p*** to be honest. I just feel all over the place emotionally now and am dreading Wed. The thought of having to go through treatment again is unbearable. Feel like I’m falling apart!!!

Hi Mac
I am sorry you have this worry, please do call for support on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2, it may help to talk it through with someone
Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Mac

So sorry you are in this horrible place again. If I was you I’d keep focusing on those words “not unduly concerned” for now. Believe me I don’t say that lightly as  I have been in your shoes & know how hard it is to remain calm.  Just take it one step at a time & hope that your results from Wednesday are positive news. 

It sounds as if your BC team are very responsive & are not keeping you waiting which is a good thing in this situation.

I will keep everything crossed for you & really hope you get good news. Best of luck xxx


Thanks Fresia and Lulu for your kind words.

My breast care team are excellent and really on the ball which is reassuring. My BCN actually told me not to worry about the speed of the ultrasound and that it was by no means that I was being fast tracked but they had slotted me in on Wed so I do’nt have to wait too long.

I’m trying not to worry too much though thats easier said than done, didn’t sleep too bad considering. I’m really scared to think positive in case its not good news. To be honest, I feel for my loved ones as much as anything, they don’t deserve to be put through this again. The really sad thing is that I had my surgery on my son’s birthday last year (11th March) which was hard. Ironically, it’s the same time of year only next week he is 21! I can’t put him through this waiting game again so have decided not to tell him anything yet.

Fresia, do you mind me asking what happened with you as you say you were in a similiar position.

Once again, thank you both-will keep you posted xxx

Well, I attended hospital this morning. Had 4 different aspects of mammogram pictures taken and 2 ultrasounds by 2 different Consultant Radiographers and GOOD NEWS!!! The “suspicious” area is a gland/fatty tissue not a new breast cancer. Can’t tell you how relieved I am. Time to celebrate I think. Thanks for the kind words and support ladies xxx