Recently diagnosed with DCIS and in total shock!

I am new to all this, had my first ever mammogram in June, abnormality found , had a biopsy and went back to the hospital last week for the results, I was convinced it was a fuss about nothing until I was taken into a room and told I would be examined again so could I please undress from the waist up. Then 3 members of the health team came in and I knew it wasn’t going to be good news! Diagnosed with DCIS ( had never heard of it before!) then told I would be having a wire inserted on the 2nd Sept and a lumpectomy on the 3rd. Was sent off to fill in the pre op forms and then drove home and have been in a state of shock ever since. Feel so confused as some info says DCIS is not serious and some info says it can be, also have a friend who had full blown breast cancer last year and had a mastectomy and all kinds of horrendous treatment so I feel a bit of a wimp feeling so scared about my diagnosis. Have never had any kind of operation in my life and feel very anxious about the anaesthetic , quite irrational worries like " will I wake up?"! Etc. I have one daughter who is my absolute world and I want to cry every time I look at her at the moment because I am so scared that I am going to miss her growing up ( she’ s 7 ) my husband has been brilliant but I hate him seeing me so emotional, I am trying to be brave but honestly I am scared sh@##!!s! Sorry for the ramble but I would be so grateful if anyone could just reply! So glad to have found this site.

Hi Fran, anything to do with the C word is scary and it’s ok to feel worried and scared. I too have a 6yr old girl and a 4yr old son so I can empathise with you there. Don’t feel bad about being upset over your diagnosis in comparison to other people havering something worse, this is you and what your going through, just try to take comfort in the fact that the health care professionals know what they are doing, and treatment has come on in leaps and bounds over the years, try to stay positive and take one day at a time xx

Hello Fran, I know exactly how you are feeling, believe me, I have been through exactly the same feelings of disbelief and shock. I was recalled from a routine mammogram at the beginning of June and went to the biopsy absolutely terrified as we all assume that nothing is wrong! Ihad a biopsy on 12 th June and was told I had DCIS. Like you I was terrified and telling my daughter and son was horrific. The breast care nurses at the hospital were amazing and I read about DCIS on this website. I found that the more I knew about it it helped me. It still scared the life out of me but talking to people did help enormously.
The process for breast care is quick which in itself does seem both reassuring and alarming. The option offered to me by the surgeon was a mastectomy with an immediate reconstruction . The word immediate was alarming but it was explained to me that this is the term used for a reconstruction carried out at the same time as the mastectomy. The surgeon explained that whilst in surgery, some lymph nodes would be removed from my armpit, checked whilst I was under anaesthetic, and if the tests showed it necessary, the remaining lymph would be taken out this would stop the need to have a second op later to remove the lymph nodes. All of this is so much to take in and believe me is not easy to understand why it is happening to me.
My surgery took place on 23rd July.
Comments on this website helped me as did the breast care nurses at the hospital. Better out than in was one comment that helped me come to terms with what was being offered.

Hi Fran,
What you are feeling is perfectly normal but don’t worry and trust your doctors and BCNs. I was diagnosed with High grade DCIS just over 2 years ago through a routine mammogram, recalled for another scan a week later. Ended up having ultrasound and biopsy at the same time and hadn’t a clue what was going on. I had a wire guided lumpectomy a few weeks later, but needed another to get clear margins. Then 15 sessions of radiotherapy. Unfortunately a year later at my next routine mammogram the DCIS was found to have returned so I had a mastectomy and immediate LD flap and implant reconstruction. Nothing else, no chemo, no hormones. I think with DCIS, surgery and radiotherapy are all you need and really it’s not as bad as you think. Just take 1 day at a time, cry when you want to and don’t worry, you will enjoy your children for many years to come. The surgeons know exactly what they are doing and are trying to prevent the cancer from developing further. You will be looked after for quite a few years. If you have questions for them write them down and don’t worry about how silly they seem. This forum is also great and there are many ladies who have been through treatment to give you advice and support. Good luck and stay positive. Helen x

Thank you all so much for your replies, it is an enormous help to know that I am not alone. I think I will be using this website a lot ! I am going to ring my breast care nurse tomorrow and see if I can have a chat, when they asked me if I had any questions at the time of diagnosis I stupidly said “no”! I just wanted to go home ASAP!!! Thank you all again for the support, I feel quite overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers! Sending you all supportive hugs!

I have just had wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy. Recovering well but confused regarding next step. Feel that I am being advised that almost definite that I will be having radiotherapy and poss because of my age (50 and pre menopausal) that might need chemo. It was very early DCIS so is there a chance that no e of this will be necessary?

Hi Shazzle and welcome to the BCC forums where you will find the support and shared experiences you are looking for, in addition, our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000 and lines are open during the week 9-5 and Sat 10-2

Here’s a link to the DCIS Information on this site along with further support ideas :

Take care
Lucy BCC

Same as you a year ago.
nurse said dcis a fab diagnosis cos not potentially as serious, but still part of the c,word family so still causes shock, anger grief and ******bigop
Helen by the sra