Reconstruction - I hate it!

As the title says i hate it!
Had LD flap, nipple and waiting for tatooing.
I hate how it looks, i hate the fact that i have no sensation in that area at all and i hate the scarring!
I just want my old breast back, i cannot believe i have to live with this for the rest of my life!

Sorry for the rant…just had to get that out…

Hi Naz sorry you are not happy with your recon - unfortunately you are not going to get your old breast back that was full of cancer and had to go - so whilst you will still mourn for it there is no going back so to speak and your new breast is the ‘new you’ and its difficult trying to get your head around it and it will take you time to adjust to it - I had a delayed reconstruction so in a way it was easier as I had ‘nothing’ at all and was totally flat on one side for about 18 months so for me having a breast was wonderful and being able to wear normal clothes again and nice bra’s etc was fantastic - You are entitled to rant away and please do - it does seem so unfair that you had lost your lovely boob and now have something which has no sensation and doesn’t look that good - but (and there is always a but) it is very early days for you - your breast needs to settle down and you will find it becomes rounder and more like a breast - the scars will go, you need to use cream/oil on them as soon as you are allowed to ask your team what they recommend - and lastly you need the tatoo to complete the task - once that is on I am sure you will be happier. I have seen lots of ladies 2/3 years down the line and they are happy with their look and pleased with the results but it does take time xxxx

Thanks for your reply saffronseed…
I am finding it so hard…i absolutely hate the reconstruction right now…
I started off with a tissue expander recon and that was the most ugly thing i had ever set eyes on !
That failed and i moved on to the LD flap…

I know i can’t have my old breast back but i am so grieving for my old body (if that makes sense)


In addition to the support you have here we have a ‘One to one support’ service whereby you can be put in touch with someone who may have had similar issues as you and they are here to offer to offer you further support whilst you are struggling, if you want to give the team a call please do so, here are the details:

Take care


Thank you Lucy
I have already spoken to someone from the one to one support service…
It helped for a bit but i can’t acccept the new me right now.

Hi Naz,
As the others have said it is something that in time you will get used to. My recon breast looks fine in a bra. I always wear a T Shirt bra now which has extra padding so that helps. I decided not to bother with a nipple as I knew it would not look the same so I could not be bothered. I am just pleased that I do not need to wear a prothesis. I had immediate recon with tissue expander so now I have one firm breast and one that has sagged with age. My plastic surgeon has siad I could have a breast uplift on the good side but I do not want another operation.
You say that you have no sensation. Did you have an axillary node clearance as well ? I had nerve damage in my arm and went to physio . She got me to use several diferent materials on my arm to get the nerves working again, from a very silky scarf to something very rough. Try it it sounds impossible but it does work. Try and be kind to yourself and just concentrate on something else. I know we become consumed by it all , but take each day slowly and if you dont feel any better in a few days time, visit your GP for something to keep you calm. The Tamoxifen sent me mental so I take Sertraline. I also had counselling with the Cancer Psychologist for 6 sessions which helped me to grieve for the breast I had lost.
Good luck with it all. Love Tracy xxx

Hi Tracy
Yes i had node clearance also…
I am trying so hard to focus on other stuff and even had a few good days until yesterday. Then wollop - i am angry and bitter again and want my breast back so much. Then i get myself wound up until i want to scream!
NO-ONE understands, NO-ONE! I want them to suffer as i feel i have and go through it to see what it is like!
I want them to know what it feels like to lose a part of them and be told to just get on with things!

I think it is very early days for you, I had recon and LD flap 2years ago in right breast and in the left breast 5 weeks ago. It realy does take time to settle down and feel like a breast again. I felt like you at first but it will get better in time. Its better than the cancer spreading. So be strong and give yourself time.

Bellakate i absolutely hate it!
I cannot ever imagine liking this lump of implant, muscle and tissue…
I want things back the way they were…why does no one understand…WHY???

WE UNDERSTAND !! But we cant change anything for you .That is why you need to help yourself by going to your GP and explain exactly how you feel. It is all becoming too much for you. Please get the help you need. I have been through counselling and I still take antidepressants to be in this calm place I am now. The lack of oestrogen made be very ill. Dont feel a failure or anything. Dont let people tell you to pull yourself together because without the right help you cant. If your GP does not help then ring for an app with yr BCN. Please ring tomorrow before the weekend NAZ. Lots of love Tracy xxx

Hi Bellakate. You said that you had an LD flap 2 years ago. I too had the op in August. Think I made the right decision on having this op. as when woken up I still had a breast all be it a different inner boob but I still had my own skin. My problem is the tightness from the back muscle. I do the exercises regularly 3 times a day, but when I laugh it feels extremely tight, also when I’m cold. Also find it difficult looking behind, especially when driving. I just wondered if you could give me any advice on this problem. I realise it’s still early days. Thanks for taking the time to read my e-mail. Love Kathy xx

I am going to make an appointment to see my oncologist in the new year and ask her to refer me to a cancer physchologist . Hopefully once I have talked through my feelings properly I will feel better about things and be able to move on from this rubbish.
Thank you all and in particularly Tracy for you support

Sounds like you are having a tough time. I had a tram flap reconstruction last month and am surprised how lumpy the new breast is. I also have a lot of pain and can 't bear to wear a bra. I am praying it will get better as I have read lots of posts where they say it was the best thing they ever did.

Hi Karen
Thanks for your reply.
Yes so many ladies do say that it all takes time to adjust to the new breast, for me it seems to be taking forever!
I am so grieving for the old me, my old body and i just HATE the recon with a passion. However i know if it wasn’t there i would feel even worse…
To me this is not a breast and does not even come close. that is just how if feel about it right now

Onwards and upwards as they say!

Hi Capital
I had the LD flap 2years ago and then 5 weeks ago. I kept a journal on how I felt the first time I had the op. This was good as I can look back and see how I felt then and the rest of the months. It realy does take time to feel like a breast, I would say up to a year for it all to take shape and fall in to position. My 2 year boob feels very good. Keep doing excerise and moisturise it daily and like me you will feel very good about your boob. I use the Genie Bra for comfort most times but can wear any bra comfortably

I have taken some steps to get some support…
Phoned the Macmillan information and support centre and the lady there was lovely…
She advised me on what is available at my local hospice as well as at the hospital…
I am also receiving some support from a lovely counsellor attached to the organisation i work for whichis great!
Feeling much better already :slight_smile:

Hi Naz, I don’t come on hear vey often but am so glad I read your post today. Thank goodness someone knows how I feel !!! I can fully understand how you feel. It’s 5 years since I had bilateral reconstruction and I would give anything to have my flat chest back. I could cope with the bilateral mastectomy and I should have been glad I’d got rid if cancer but I suppose I’ve paid a very heavy price for just wanting a little bit more vanity. My marriage has suffered, my children have suffered and I have so much discomfort and pain aswell as I feel I look a freak. My flat scared chest looked better than it does now. Like you I HATE IT !!!
im a strong person but inside I keep locked away a whole load of emotions which I would love to let out but I think I would have a kind of breakdown if I did let it all out. NOBODY can understand unless they feel the same way. Aswell as going through all this I’ve had a lot of other personal problems to deal with and unfortunately husband says its all my own fault for having reconstruction in first place!!! So I also know what you mean about the feelings of ANGER!!! Hope you have a better partner than me!!
i hope time is a great healer for you and I hope things do settle down… Please feel free to private message. i would gladly listen to you ranting!!! I might even do the same.
kindest regards
Beryl x

Hi Beryl

I have sent you a private message. Please feel free to rant away at me. As i have explained to you in my message, i get how you feel totally xxx

Hiya Naz, It is so good to see you supporting another lady on here. Beryl I wish I could say something profound that would make you feel better but I cant . Only You can make yourself feel better. It is not easy , it is bloody hard work but to be honest we have no choice. We are alive and must make the most of every day.
Sending you both my love and support . Tracy xxx

Dear Naz and Beryl,
Reading your posts was exactly the way I felt when I had my bilateral recon 6 years ago. I went into hospital anxious though optimistic about how nice it will be to have breasts again, but when I woke up, the overwhelming distress that I felt about my recon hit me like a ten ton truck.
like yourselves, I absolutely hated it. I had bilateral expanders in and I just wanted them removed. They were alien rocks stuck to my chest, nothing like a breast at all. My first check-up appt i was in floods of tears (infact I seemed to be constantly in tears), asked for them to be removed, much to the shock of the PS. No-one appeared to understand how I felt- noone - it was almost like an out of body experience and unfortunately those feelings never went away.
To round it off I had a PE (blood clot on lung) post-op, and a nice dose of cellulitis around one of the implants, meaning that I had to go back into hospital again. The infection then triggered off truncal lymphodema - I just didn’t think it could get any worse and the regret of having that op was massive. I felt bad because others seemed so happy with their recon and I didn’t.
I wasn’t able to have them removed for at least a year due to the PE, and I underwent many counselling sessions in an attempt to accept the recon. Although my distress did reduce, it never went away and I remained determined to have it removed.
I did eventually have them removed in 2008, and went back to being flat chested with prostheses.
I didn’t choose to have breast cancer, but I did get it, and as a result I lost my breasts in order to survive. I strongly feel that their should be more support for women undergoing mx tohelp them to accept their change of body image, instead of the solution to the problem being recon. In many cases recon is ideal and acceptable for many women, and the thought of remaining breast- free unthinkable for many.
I really do understand and hope that you both find an answer - just don’t rush into doing anything and remember that you are recovering from major surgery - effects of anaesthetic etc. which can have a dramatic effect on your emotions. The dust needs to settle so you can make informed and rational decisions and I wish you a speedy and peaceful recovery. XXXXX