Referred to specialist with plumsized lump. Terrified!

Hi everyone, 


A few weeks ago I was having a feel around in the shower (my first self exam at 25 years of age) and felt a small hard lump in my right breast that moves when I lift my arm. Of course this freaked me out very badly and I booked an appointment with my GP right away, and they managed to get me in for the next day. She had a feel and told me that my lymph nodes in my armpit and collar bone weren’t up (which is good news?) and told me to come back in two weeks.


Well two weeks passed and during that time I noticed ANOTHER lump in the same breast but this one felt huge and bumpy and very tender. Both are quite firm but move slightly when I press on them. I have had pain with both of them.


I went back to the GP and she confirmed that I did have a large lump (which she called “plumsized”) and the small one was still there. After she was done pressing on them my breast hurt A LOT. 


She said it might be an infection and booked me in at the hospital specialist but I am so worried that it is something more sinister. She gave me a weeks worth of antibiotics and now I don’t have any pain with them but the lumps are still there. 


My appointment is on Tuesday, so I have a while to wait. I was just wondering if any of you ladies had experienced anything similar. I know I am not “high risk” considering I am 25 but I know it is very possible to be BC. 


Best case scenario is that it is an infection or a lump caused by hormones. I suffered a miscarriage at 6 weeks in March (which was horrible) so maybe that might have caused it? I don’t know. 


It has been a very rough year for me so far lol! I have been in and out of hospital a lot recently, first for a miscarriage and secondly I was referred to a ENT because all of the lymph nodes in my neck and my right tonsil is swollen. (They have put this down to a tooth abcess after ultrasounds on my neck lymph nodes and blood tests coming back clean except for a high white blood cell count) So at least I know my neck lymph nodes are benign! 


So sorry for the massive post, I’m panicking if you couldn’t tell. Thank you ladies! x 

Hi LumpyBlonde

Welcome to the BCC Forum.  As well as the support which I hope you will find on the forum, you might also find it helpful to phone our Helpline.  They will be able to offer you information and support during this diificult time. 

The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Forum

Thank you Kess, the appointment is at half 1 today so anxiety is through the roof but still staying positive :slight_smile: kim x

Hi all, 

Massive thank you to those who commented :slight_smile:

I went to my appointment on Tuesday and when I had my ultrasound, the doctor said he couldn’t see ANY lumps! I had to say to him there’s definitely one there because I can feel a hard lump like a pea under my skin. He had a feel and another look on the US but no, no lumps to be seen, just VERY lumpy breast tissue apparently. No mention of cysts or calcifications or anything! :) 

I then got taken to the next room for a clinical examination and he had a look, feel and asked me if I had any history of BC in the family (not that I know of) and he said he could feel the pea like lump and the thickening of breast tissue I thought was a plumsized lump and told me I had one on the other breast as well that I can’t feel. 

I got told these were what are called “Benign breast changes” and that it’s nothing to worry about but if I am still concerned or anything changes I am free to go back and see them. So very relieved. :) 


Thank you ladies for giving me a place to rant while panicking. I also wanted to upate this story in case anyone was googling symptoms and ended up here. I hope my story provides some relief. 


Also- in the 2 weeks leading up to the appointment I felt some sharp pangs of pain in the breast which has gone since my appointment, so I am guessing that was my anxiety! Anxiety can cause many physical symptoms which will make you worry more! Viciuos circle lol. 

Thanks so much :slight_smile: xx