Is anyone watching the programme on bbc1 at the moment. OMG my local harvester which Hubby and I go to very often is the main feature! I am absolutely horrifed!! My local Harvester is the Crooked Billet in Bromley.
Has anyone else had an experience where you found out things about your local restaurant, that made you wish you hadn’t eaten in there before!
We used to have a curry restaurant in Orpington that we went to sometimes. OMG there was tv programme on about drinks and food being taken off people plates/glasses. Food washed under a hot tap and re heated and put on new customers plates and drinks put in new glasses, really gross stuff ewwww.
Be interesting to hear others experiences.
Jules xxx
My daughter works in our local pub where the food is good. She won’t eat there now. However, I’ve told her NOT to tell me what happens in the kitchen, as I enjoy the food and DO NOT WANT TO KNOW!
What were the tv people saying about your restaurant? It wasn’t on bbc 1 scotland, though I did look!
Years ago when i worked as a waitress the melon would be served:
1st customer…small melon cut across in half, flesh partly scooped out and replaced as balls in the melon.
2nd " … same melon skin cut in strips, remaining melon skimmed off as balls and any remaining
melon balls from 1st customers plate piled on top.
3rd customer…same melon used again one of two ways. Gather all surviving balls off any customer’s plate and serve
in small dish or if skin surviving and still looking good reuse for third time
I like melon but never ,ever eat it out.
Oh ladies that is sooooo gross. I saw the bit where the guy dropped loads of chicken on that filthy greasy floor then served it up for the customers couldnt watch anymore.
OMG yes i watched the programme also and now really scared to eat in restaurants. The state of the kitchens and how the food is prepared was a eye opener. It really opens your eyes to what is safe.
Many years back I actually went on a couple of dates with a guy who worked as a health inspector … there was only 1 place in his entire area that he would eat in.
I know a restaurant that was closed down, I actually know the person who reported them. There was food being prepared in the kitchen which had leaking pipes in it (what they were leaking Im not going to mention) The place has reopened but I woill nener go near the place. I can honestly say my place of work has very high standards so much so the EHO pops in sometimes to recomend us for awards.
would that place be called after a colour Louise?
Hey Sue, yes quite a few colours actually
quite a few - I thought it may be blue…you’ve got me thinking now…is there a song about these many colours that would be pertinent? “red & yellow & green etc”
No its not Blue think 7 colours (this is a whole new game)
that would be a rainbow. Never heard of a restaurant called that
Hi girls
Your stories remind me of years ago,was taking a picture of my daughter n friends in there party dresses,
it was against the wall of a chinese when they were developed on the washing line in chinese was 5 rabbits. guess what it was shut down (this is true)
Id better not say the name out loud, wouldnt be fair. will mention it tonite at the Hawes Inn when we all meet up.