Royal Marsdon

Hi everyone
Been having a few problems with this new site , tried to reply to posts, but it said there is a problem with my user name huh dont understand. Anyway i will see if this works , If you have read my other posts , you may have heard i am due to see a proffessor Ian Smith at the Royal Marsdon , my appointment is on the 22nd , i am really nervous , i am hoping he will advise me as to what treatment i can have and any new trials . My cancer is stable at the mo , but i know it wont stay like that , i have been trying to avoid chemo for as long as possible , but my bone cancer seems to be causing more problems then anything else , . Have to have a mri scan tomorrow to check my spine , ah well hope anyone else out there can advise me on how helpful the royal marsdon is . Take care lluv to all x

Hi Carol,
I don’t have secondaries but have been under Prof Smith since 2003. His team at the Marseden
are fantastic and you may recall they were among he first with herceptin trials.
You can see him if you go onto BBC Panorama where he talks about Herceptin.
The team are very good I can’t say that I saw Smith too many times but when I did
he was excellent and gives loads of information, but remember to ask lots of questions
if you want information and answers.
Good Luck