Second Lumpectomy


Hi All,


Surgery was on 26th Oct, after a delay of a week went ahead, but sadly didnt get margins so back in on Monday 21st Nov to try again.  It has been uncomfortable to say the least so far but have been reassured that all normal so far.  


So question, is it easier second time? BC nurse trying to reasure me…




Good luck Amanda, Hopefully it will be successful 2nd time around.
I had a lumpectomy & SNB on the 8th November & get my results on the 24th. I am finding it uncomfortable & had quite a bit of pain too.

Hi Amanda, I’m in similar position as you and need further surgery following lumpectomy and a couple of nodes out on 9th November. Trying to keep chin up but it’s difficult. Back then just 9 days before Christmas for more surgery with treatment plan to be decided after that. Scary not knowing how it’s all going to pan out, trying to keep positive.

Hi Jayne


Just when you think you getting a bit of life back again… bang you go back 4 weeks!!  I do so feel for you.

I am 10 days post second surgery and keep thinking I am progressing then wham, pain and tiredness, I keep forgetting how long it takes… :frowning:


This time I did a lot more reading as you are “requested” to take prophalatic antibiotics and anticoagulants for example and I wanted a lot more control this time in both preparation and post surgery.


I havent found it easier or worse than first - about the same.

But do know, we got margins this time, so now awaiting oncotyping ready to plan next stage.



Jayne, I found that my second operation was very easy compared to my first. I recovered faster, the wound healed quicker and I felt back to normal really soon. Though my BCN told me I still had to treat it like the first, so no heavy weights etc, but bit was a real relief to feel so well.


I think the tough bit is you get so far down the line recovering from the first, and then they tell you that you’re going back to square one, but not yet! So you have to wait to heal well enough to go back to the beginning.


Good luck with your second surgery, my fingers are crossed that all is well this time.