Seeing oncologist ..........................

I’m due to see the oncologist this week as I’m now 13 days into/after my chemo treatment, Can anyone give me any idea of what to expect? Is this a catch up to see how stuff is going or what? Can I use it as an opportunity to let him know all the side effects etc? Or another question and answer session to ask everything I’d like to know.

When I had my original consultation I felt like he didn’t really want to answer anything but then he was running nearly two hours late - we were given a bleep and told to go off for a coffee before he saw me!!


Hi Swampy,

My appointment was quite short after cycle 1. Like you, I wasn’t sure what to expect but it turned out to be a quick review of side effects and tolerability, basically so the oncologist could give medical sign off for the next cycle to proceed (pending the pre-chemo blood tests of course). Since I wasn’t struggling too much he signed off on both cycles 2&3 of my FEC.

Hope you get time to discuss what you need. Personally 

I found the chemo nurse discussion when I went for my blood test was more helpful in a practical way regarding side effects.

Sue x