Sentinal Node Removal questions



I am booked in to have nodes removed Thurs week. Just a precaution before mx as they want to be sure no nodes involved. He is going to inject a dye into the nipple (i will be asleep) and see what nodes the dye travels to first - and remove those ones. I will be home the same day. 


Wanted to ask has anyone had this done? What was it like? Did it hurt much after? And how long for results to come back?


L x

Hi Bella,

I too have been told that I will have sentinal node biopsy at the same time as my lumpectomy. I’m also a little confused as to what this involves, so will be interested to see what other peoples experiences have been like.

Sending hugs, will be thinking of you xx

I had sentinel node biopsy the same time I had bilateral lumpectomy, with dye injected etc. It was a breeze!

Doing this meant I didn’t need all the nodes removing, just a couple in the boobs, so no problems after surgery with stiff shoulders etc, and no lymphodema.

Good luck girls…


Hi Bella,


I had my SNB at the same time as my MX, and they went in to it through the existing opening for that, so I don’t have a scar (except across chest where I had MX) but I have a ‘dead’ patch just next to and beneath my armpit. It didn’t actually hurt, but the nerves that had been disturbed did feel quite twitchy. I got my results back about 3 weeks later. It took a while because I had surgery just before Christmas so couldn’t get the results until afterwards. You will probably have a drain put in for a few days, I found that worse than the actual surgery.


All the best,


poemsgalore xx

I had 2 nodes removed during lumpectomy. I too had the radioactive stuff & scans the day before surgery & then the blue dye during surgery. I was kept in overnight, but didn’t have any throbbing pain. I drove once all dressings removed. Still do my exercises once a day as I’ve radiotherapy to come & I regained movement very quickly. I did follow instructions; no lifting with that arm, don’t allow any blood pressure taken that arm, try not to knock or bang that arm & no hoovering for 6 weeks. Dye stays around nipple & scar for about 6 months they said. I did pee like I was passing loo cleaner :slight_smile: . I’m almost 9 weeks post op & still a bit tender & have had little sharp pin like shooting pains where nodes were removed, think nerve endings healing.