Shock news

Dear all members, I do not know how to start here. I found the lump on my left breast last Saturday 14th July, I went to see doctor on Monday, they’ve made an appointment to go to hospital on Thursday 19th July. I found out that I am facing with Breast Cancer. Doctor took Biopsy from the lump also under my left arm. I have to go back to hospital next Friday for the result from Biopsy. I do not know what to do here. I feel head still hurt. I called the nurse back again just now and ask what I have and I hope she will say something different. May I please ask who have this experience like me? How you manage day to day life? Or can someone tell me that the Biopsy result will say I do not have a cancer? Kind regards.

Hi Fightforlife,

Welcome the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good support from the many informed users of this site.

While you are waiting for replies, I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications you may find helpful

BCC’s helpline is only a free phone call away where you can talk to the staff here in confidence. Lines are open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10 - 2.

I hope this helps. Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hi Fight for life - its always a difficult and scary time trying to take on board what is happening . I felt no longer in control, no doubt you feel the system is slow and you just want answers. I just tried to carry on doing all the normal stuff in life, went to work, the gym baby sat the grand kids etc Above all else talk to someone let them know how you feel. I can not tell you what the biopsy will say would love to say all will be ok… All I can say that if you do have breast cancer you will cope with daily life not sure what kicks in but we do… you will have tough days but you will have so many good days too and times where you forget… take each day as it comes, never be afraid to say how you feel, fingers crossed for you … keep in touch
Vodkasue xx

Hi Fight for Life
I’m quite new here too, I was diagnosed on 3rd July.
I really hope yours turns out to be something harmless, and it might - only the biopsy will tell that.
The waiting is awful, your mind runs riot and your head is full if 'what if’s

My advice is to keep yourself busy. Have something to do each day, catch up on all those ‘odd jobs’ that you never get round to, plan a lunch with friends or an evening out… Just try to focus in something else.

Not a minute will go by that you’re not thinking about it for now, that’s normal… But hopefully trying to focus on other things will make the wait more bearable.

Fingers crossed you get good news
S xxxx

I had my diagnosis in 2003 and found waiting for the biopsy results very,very, hard. I will be thinking of you and waiting to hear your results… Whatever the outcome now is the time to spoil yourself. Give yourself little treats and look for the good things in everyday life. It’s pathetic I know but I found that sorting out a cupboard, papers, old photos etc very distracting. I could easily lose an hour and found that I hadn’t thought about “it” while I was actively doing something.
Take care
Margaret XX

Fight for life, whatever the biopsy results you will know what you are dealing with - and it’s never as bad as your worst fears!!

Well done for finding your lump and dealing with it straight away!

I was found to have BC after a routine mammogram in January. I was recalled for another mammogram and ultrasound scan and needle biopsy. I had to wait 2 weeks for the results. I can still vividly remember those 2 weeks and how horrible they were, but I kept in mind that the majority of breast lumps ARE NOT cancer - and if it was cancer at least it had been found sooner rather than later and could be dealt with.

As it turned out, it was cancer and being told it was a shock. After that though, nothing was as bad again. You come to terms with it, somehow, and once you have your treatment plan - I was given mine at the biopsy results consultation - you know what it is you are dealing with and have something to get on with to get rid of the disease!

As others have said, try to keep busy, let people know what you are going through so that you have support, but be as ‘normal’ as you can. I found continuing to work until just before my operation helped, as I didn’t have time to think about my situation while at work!!

It’s not an easy road, but you will get through. the women on here are a wonderful support.

Good luck with your results next Friday. I hope it’s cause for celebration, but if not, we’ll be here for you, so let us know so we can celebrate with you or give you support for the next steps.

Try to think positive but feel free to have a good cry/shout/stamp about too. It’s perfectly Ok to feel scared, angry, and sad, but remember to notice and appreciate the good moments! xx

Good luck FFL,
Hope the results arnt as you fear but if they are turn to your family and friends and the ladies on here are bloody marvellous,wishing you all the best,will have my fingers crossed for you.