So tired

So tired

So tired I am so tired and I haven’t even started the next treatment yet… I have been really grouchy with my little ones and the slightest thing seems to be annoying me today… I still think I am going to wake from this nightmare but it is real isn’t it and it is happenning…

Pointless post but needed to talk somewhere…

Me too! Hi babyboo,

I can totally relate to where you’re coming from right now! I had my 3rd chemo (epi) last weds and am still feeling like poo. I have found I get more and more tired each time and it is literally doing my head in. Tried to go out today but managed less than an hour before I had to go home again. My get up and go has most definately got up and gone! Don’t know if you saw my ‘foggy head’ post at all and wondered if you can relate to that? Its no fun for anybody thats around me at the mo, and I’m starting to make excuses to friends 'cause I just can’t be bothered, if you know what I mean?

My only saving grace is that hopefully, in a day or 2, I should start feeling more ‘normal’. Yeah, just in time for chemo round 4!! Great!

You’re right, this is a nightmare. But we can overcome this nightmare and we will!! I hope us, and all the others feeling like poo right now, will soon be feeling much better,

Take care,
