Some good news


When diagnosed with breast cancer in March I was told that the the tumour I had in my breast was 60mm in size and had spread to my lymph nodes. The consultant said I would need FEC-T chemo followed by a mastectomy and radiotherapy. Well I am pleased to say after a really good reponse to the chemo my tumour now measures 18mm. I still have one more chemo session but the plan is now to  do a wide local excision and removal of lymph nodes followed by radiotherapy. My surgery is planned for 8th Sept and obviously the end result will depend on the pathology results as to if I will need further surgery but the news has made me feel a lot more positive.

I just wanted to share some good news in the hope that it will help others who are just at the start of their journey or feeling a bit down going through their chemo.

Good luck to everyone

You are right, it is always good to hear positive news.


My treatment is the other way round to yours - WLE & SNB a couple of weeks ago, am seeing oncologist in August to find out what chemo. is recommended.

Wow!! I am so pleased for you, you must be absolutely delighted :-) 


Well done, I hope that will be an end to your surgery and a new cancer free chapter in your life.  Good luck and god bless xxxxx