Stabbing pains

Hi everyone. I have 12 more days before I see the breast clinic and have been coping well with the pain up until now! Now I’m getting sharp intermittent stabbing pains. Feels like I’m being stabbed right through my boob and into my shoulder blade :frowning:
its so bad it takes my breath away. Having a low day today. Had a nightmare last night and woke up crying and now with this pain it’s making me really sad :frowning: just dont know what to do. Do I just wait to see if it goes away? Or call docs? I just don’t know

Hi Sinfullyd, the pains you describe are quite normal as I am suffering too after my 2nd WLE, as margins weren’t clear. Although I haven’t experienced pain through to shoulder, perhaps your could ring your BC nurse, just for some reassurance. Mine doesn’t last long, and does ease with time. Take care and hope you feel better soon x

I had shoulder pain which was unconnected and was from an old injury I also had stabbings pains which I’ve been told it’s normal they really do rummage around in there, take painkillers but if it begins to feel hot or swells I suggest you contact your bc nurse mine has eased now I’m about ten weeks down the line from you and occasionally still get them, now the nightmares are also normal I believe it’s your body trying to process and understand what has been a traumatic time these too will lessen in time, I find it helps to come on here and ask advice from the experienced ladies that between them have more knowledge than some medical professionals hope this helps good luck and stay strong :slight_smile:

Thanks ladies. It’s reassuring to find the stabbing pains are quite normal but then scary in the fact that it makes me more concerned about what is in my boob. I’m trying to stay calm but the waiting is getting to me. I’ve really been fine with emotions but found myself very teary today. I know this sounds off but I almost want them to say yes it’s breast cancer so that I know exactly what I’m dealing with. Obviously that is not the norm as I imagine most people are hoping for the opposite. I just think I could deal with it better if I know what it is

Yes I think the waiting is the worst part of this horrible rollercoaster we are on, but once you know your results, good or bad you then move on to thinking OK right let’s get on with it, and lets sort this out !! Hope you are feeling a bit better, and call your BC nurse if you have any worries. Take care P x

Thanks patty. I have not had anymore stabbing ptoday since yesterday so that’s good. I am trying to get seen quicker by ringing up and asking if there alas been any cancellations. Hopefully ill be lucky x

Hi, I had my diagnosis 13th, awaiting op on Monday 1st July. The waiting is the worst. Couldn’t go to work today, had a bad night, feeling exhausted. But not good at home on my own. Hence me reading and joining in. It does help to know you guys are out there.
Its amazing how the head can rule the body, but I have found telephoning the BC Nurse brilliant, they are very reassuring. I have breast cancer in the right. 2009 I had DCIS in the left. But today I feel I have it in both. Will ask the dr to check the other when I am in hospital on Monday!! He will think I am mad but hey who cares.
Stick with the site we are all here for you.

Hi, hope everyone is coping with the endless waiting, got my review app today, 7th August, arrggh more waiting!! By the way I too feel paranoid about feeling lumpy, only natural I suppose, I felt a lump under my snb scar, can’t decide what it is, could be scar tissue?? Anyone else had anything similar?? Think I will ring BC nurse tomorrow, they may even have my results from 2nd WLE, with a bit of luck. Here’s hoping x

Hi Patty,
Your situation is similar to mine. I am waiting for a reexcision booked in for 6th August, to get a wider clear margin on one side (it was out by 0.3mm). I have had swellng both in my breast under and below 1st WLE and under SNB scar. Had 1st op 2nd July, BC nurse had to drain it once. When I saw her last she said it lymph fluid and scar tissue in both my breast and under the SNB scar. Kathy x

Hi ladies, I had my WLE and SNB in Jan and still get occasional stabbing pains and tingling in my affected breast, I believe the stabbing pains are the nerves re knitting themselves. I too have what I believe to be scar tissue under my scar line, also a slight indentation and some harder breast tissue in the top half of my breast, and a very small amount of swelling which is worse in the heat. It’s not surprising we end up with lumps and bumps considering all the proddling around (technical term) that the surgeons do in order to remove the little b*****s, and the 15 sessions of rads may well have contributed to the ‘firmness’. All the best to you all Pat x

Yes the radiotherapy does make your boob “firm” I am 2 years down the line and it is still firm!! Unfortunately the other one is not!!!
I had a lump on my scar and had biopsie which turned out to be fat necrosis! Lovely term!
I am just going through this all again as have BC in opposite breast have had WLE and SNB due more chemo and rads so may get matching pair after all!
Best Wishes All