Super Powers!

Hi All
I was watching ‘Heroes’ last night and started to think - if i could have any one super power, what would it be and why would i want that particular one? I have decided that i would like the ability to fly cos then i could attend all hospital appointments etc., no bother, visit relatives who live miles away, and have some lovely days out to places that i haven’t been before.

What super power would you have?

I think i would like to be a “fly on the wall”
Im just a nosey person by nature!

well cure disease would be a good one

How about an eye on the end of one’s finger?

hmmmm…invisibility might come in handy for those occasions when being a fly isn’t practical…lol

speaking of heroes
does anyone else think that this show is getting more and more preposterous?
OK, even given the fact that is was insane to begin with —

seems awfully more gory
and the line between good/evil seems to be blurred too

or is it me?

I’m with Annieo - i would like to be a fly on the wall too - nosey aswell!!!
Deb x

No Emily - you’re right - the baddies are goodies, the goodies are baddies - the blood count is waaaaaaaaaay up… and Peter Petrelli is just not as cute with his hair cut…

thanks, thought I was soooo out of touch there
but its gotten to where I turn it off and switch to something else
but secretly I tivo it anyway
in case one night I am totally devoid of shows
sad, eh?

lol - don’t know what your telly is like over there but there are many MANY nights here where i am totally devoid of shows - in fact, if Wire in the Blood wasn’t on tonight it would be one of those nights!