Taking Ibandronic Acid correctly!

Hello ladies


So I’ve been taking Ibandronic Acid since January.  Only discovered in November that the filtered tap water in my kitchen doesn’t filter out any calcium in the water as I had thought (I’m in a very hard water area) so I’ve been taking the tablet every day with plenty of hard tap water which is a worry.


So I am now confused and also unsure as to the instructions which ‘say not to drink or eat anything for 30 minutes after taking the tablet but then you can have your food and drink and take any medicines’.


I wait the 30 minutes and then I am gagging for my cup of tea and I usually have 3 cups with milk but now am worried.  I know I have to wait 4 hours after taking Ibandronic Acid before taking my Adcal so how on earth does my morning cuppas fit in? They are the thing that keeps me going!  I am now worried about this.  


I know I have to wait 6 hours before taking Ibandronic Acid which is why I take first thing in morning after last had anything to eat or drink containing calcium etc but then it says wait the 30 mins and you can have food and drink so I assumed that tea with milk was fine!  If not this really should be more clear and on the front label.  I hope I am just confused and have got it wrong as I can’t live without my morning tea! Smiley Surprised


Thanks in advance! Have posted in nurses section but hoped someone may answer on here quicker! :slight_smile:





My Mum has to take these and so, like you, she takes it first thing in the morning and then waits 30 mins. Also, apparently, you have to lie still? Well then she has a cup of tea and cereal, just like normal and hasn’t been told any different. If you don’t get a response on here, try checking with the gp, or the pharmacist should be able to advise.

Please try not to worry…I’m sure you’re doing everything right.


Sue xx



My mumis the same as Sue’s.  She takes that tablet first thing on a Monday morning, then has to sit still for half an hour after which she can carry on and have her breakfast, i am sure she was never told not to take certain things when she takes it.  On the other 6 days she takes a normal calcium tablet.


Sues suggestion to check it out with your pharmacist is a very good one as they are generally the ones who know xxx

I’m just as confused!  My life seems to revolve around clock watching, when, how, with what?    I just take my adcal at 11.00 and then again at bedtime.