Tamoxifen and long haul flight

Hiyah ladies. After three years of being on the BC rollercoaster; chemo, rads, recon and tamoxifen, we’ve booked holiday of a lifetime for the family. We’re looking forward to different kind of rollercoasters at Disney Orlando, taking our 11 and 16 year old in July. My question is… Should I be concerned about flying long haul with the thrombosis risk thanks to tamoxifen? Should I see my GP about stopping taking the tam and what other precautions should I take?

Hi Mrs B


I’ve done lots of long haul since dx three years ago. I don’t come off tamoxifen but I do take an aspirin a couple of hours before the flight and do as many stretches and walking about as I can. And absolutely NO alcohol on board.


Have a great time.



I haven’t flown more than 5 hours since being on Tamoxifen but have been abroad several times and never stopped taking it, I  book extra leg room seats so I can stretch out  and get up a few times and I would agree not to drink on the plane , have a lovely time! Xx 

Hi. We have booked extra leg room seats and I’ve got compression socks ( numerous pairs as souvenirs from my many stays in hospital). We gave ordered a bottle of champagne as we fly on our wedding anniversary/ hubbys birthday. Gonna have to resist the free inflight drinks turn? ? Not gonna fib… Not gonna be easy. Will drink plenty of water.