Tamoxifen tummy anyone?

Getting quite depressed about my ever-expanding waistline, and am sure this is the result of tamoxifen, 'cos it was never this size before!

In spite of walking two miles every day and cutting back on calories, the weight is static, though the belly is not!

Has anyone had any success at shifting this surplus flab by vigorous exercise at the gym? Don’t want to pay out if this is not going to work.

Would appreciate your thoughts.


Bringing this back up to the top.

I am also suffering from Tamoxifen tummy! I don’t eat a lot but still find it hard to lose anything. My problem is that I have joint pains and find exercising rather painful. I like to walk but my big toes are so painful that I can do little else but hobble! Am on high doses of Ibuprofen but between the Tamoxifen and the Zoladex, I feel I’m fighting a losing battle!!

Can’t offer any advice, but I can totally understand how you you must be feeling.

Best of luck!
Jacki x

I too suffer from the effects of tamoxifen…bloating , and feeling really tired all the time ,i just dont have the energy, especially when it comes to exercising! does
anyone else suffer from these symptoms?

Thanks for your comments, ladies. Sorry you seem to be having a rotten time of it.

I am lucky that I have had no side effects from this drug, apart from a blubbery belly! In the scheme of things, this is quite trivial, but when your clothes are being constantly stretched …


Me too. I have a very unattractive roll. BC nurse did say this would happen but I was shocked when it did.


Hi ladies,

My stomach is in constant disarray and I feel queasy most of the time. I have been taking Gavilast Ranitidine 75mg, just one a day. I’ve been on Tam since July. I have been told, it does get better after about 5 months, so here’s hoping.

As for bloating, well, when I lay down, I look like a beached Whale…

Linda x

Hi All

Hearing what you all have to say makes me realise I’m normal. My stomach is so blubbery that I feel uncomfortable in short tops. I feel I have to try and hide my tummy all the time. I’m also doing more exercise, eating healthier food and, in general, I’m very well in myself. My oncologist said this was a side-effect of Tamoxifen and didn’t offer me any advice on what I could do to help. Whilst I realise it’s not life threatening it can get you down. I would welcome any ideas on what might help.

Regards to all.


I was told yesterday about Aloe Vera and how good it is for stomach upsets, so I went to Holland & Barrett and I asked the ‘specialist man’ which would be the best to take as there seem to be 100’s of Aloe Vera products, so he recommended Aloe Vera Digestive Aid Juice for Stomach Soothing Action.

It contains Peppermint Oil, Aloe Vera herbal form, Papaya, Chamomile, Slippery Elm, Milk Thistle. It wasn’t cheap £6.99, but if it helps, I will pay anything.

I’ve taken three lots so far and even though I have burped for England, I did feel better, though I believe it can take a little while …say a day or two…before you feel any benefit.


My doctor gave me peppermint oil capsules for my bloating. They did work, but I have trouble taking them because you should avoid other indigestion tabs at the same time, and I’m on prescription ones. So - what do I put up with? Bloating or chronic indigestion? !!! Back to the doctor’s, I guess. Here’s hoping she has a Plan B!

I know we all say ‘a big tummy is a small price to pay…’ but I find it very hard emotionally to look in the mirror and see a fat, bloated stomach. Cancer just takes over every aspect of your life, doesn’t it?

Jacki xx

Hi Everyone.

I too have noticed an increase in the size of my middle and I think the Tamoxifen and Zoladex probably does have something to do with it however, I go on holiday on Sunday and have been hitting the gym hard for the last two weeks and have really noticed a difference. I think the change in hormones does make you store your ‘fat’ in that area as I was never bothered by a blobby tummy before now.

Can I just mention that I was advised by the Oncholody Department that because my tumor was HER2+ I must not take any herbal or homeopathic remedies that contained / or were oestrogen based - and that ruled out milk thistle which was what I had asked about.

Hope this helps.


Well you learn something every day, I was just browsing prior to my 2nd year follow-up appointment and came across this posting. I’ve been on Tamoxifen since diagnosis in November 05. I’ve always have had a weight problem and the diagnosis and treatment and lack of exercise all contributed to a gain of around ½stone so I joined Slimming Wold in September 2006 and although I’ve managed to lose 1½ stone my tummy is as flabby and wobbly as it was before. I thought it was because of not losing very much weight but now I wonder… could it be a side effect of the Tam to go with all the others. Annoying thing is when slimming although I never use the Tamoxifen as an excuse I do think it is harder to lose weight than usual. Its been a long hard slog and I’ve still got a couple of stones to go. I hate to think that if I do manage to lose the weight I will be left with this flabby tummy. Ugh!!!

Just seen my oncologist, and tried to discuss my stomach, but they really not keen, to which I can understand, after going through some harsh treatments of  chemotherapy and hercepten, now on tamoxifen for 5 years coming up to 2 years in October.  I am extremely grateful for the care given to me, but this bloating is a problem that is getting me down. I walk 3 miles daily I do yoga, Zumba once a week, but nothing seems to work, it remains bloated even if I don’t eat. My daughter tells me to give up bread and that will help, but I love bread! If there is any suggestion I would love to know about them.

Olivena, I’ve been on Tamoxifen since end may. I’ve always been fit and slim tummy, I continued with yoga and gym throughout chemo. But I am now growing a lovely belly! My 13 year old son asked me why I was getting fat as we played Frisbee on holiday last week, and my 10 year old suggested that a tankini is more flattering than a bikini!!!

I blame the tamoxifen, however… I’ve suffered with IBS for many years and stick to a low carb,wheat free diet. Since chemo I have discovered that my IBS symptoms have gone away, so carbs and wheat have been back on the menu for month - so it could well be that rather than tam, also I haven’t been to the gym for a while because of school hols.

Major healthy eating diet starts tomorrow!