Tamoxifen, waves of anxiety and dread

Hi everyone.


I started Tamoxifen a month ago, been okayish, tired, sore, hot flushes getting worse but trying out ladycare magnet which seems to help a bit.


But prior to hot flushes I am getting horrid and prolonged feeling, heart racing, feel deep sense of dread or fear, not sure what it is but very unpleasant feeling and lasts several minutes.


Has anyone else had this, I am wondering if its linked to autonomic response like fight or flight thing?


I went through menopause previously and did have some anxiety but not in waves like this.


Its really horrid feeling so much so thinking of stopping tablets.


But thought I would see what others experiences are


Thank you


hi Meri,
Sorry to hear you’re having these feelings. I’ve been fine on tamox, so cant really comment, but I’ve seen others have reported that a low dose anti-depressant has been helpful - venlafaxine, if I remember rightly. Hopefully, other ladies may be able to advise.
Maybe an idea to see what your team say about this first, so that if you decide to stop, it’s been properly talked through.
ann x

Hi Meri,


At some point someone on one of these boards mentioned that tamoxifen acts on the hypothalamus. If I’m remembering my few shreds of neuroscience correctly, the hypothalamus is responsible for fight/flight responses and other survival mechanisms from early in our evolution, so the feelings of dread and heart racing may well be connected to that. If that’s the case you may be able to tone down the reaction through conscious relaxation, grounding exercises or meditation/mindfulness. Is the sensation just unpleasant or are you getting pain? If it hurts, or your breathing feels tight, it’s worth getting this checked out in case there’s a physical cause aside from the tamoxifen.


Hope things settle down for you soon - you’ve had a rough time of it so far!



Hi thanks for responses.


Yes I do meditation, relaxtion, and been trying breathing slowly through these waves.


But I am overwhelmed, I don’t have pain, but do feel constriction, tightness in chest, nausea, palpatations.


Add to this nausea at other times, swollen legs, feeling bit spacy, light headed,tired, bladder irratability, I really don’t think I can continue.


I know medication can be given to help side effects but where does this stop?


As its only increases my odds by 2% I am thinking its not worth it.


But I will make appointment with GP, am seeing surgeon re infection on Wednesday so maybe nurse might be around but I know they will want me on this drug.


I am also going to support group Tuesday so will talk about it there.


I just flundering withall this on top of other health issues and pain.


Bit low I suppose, weary of all this, feel like I am treading water, just.


Also feel silly knowing so many going through much worse cancer diagnosis and treatments.


I have to find way to manage all this so will seek support :slight_smile:

Hello ladies

I’ve just swallowed my first tamoxifen tablet after a few tears. I’m dreading any side effects materialising and currently want to curl up in a ball!
I already have anxiety and take medication for it so perhaps that will curtail anything additional - fingers crossed!

Hi Karen,
Just to point out, that many of us are fine on tamox, or at least find any side effects manageable. So see how you go, you might be even be fine on it.
As ever, undestandably the problems will get reported but this is not necessarily representative of everyone’s experience.
take care
ann x

Thanks Ann. I keep trying to bear that in mind. I’m only 2 days in so fine so far, although I do think my tummy is a bit upset but that could be stress generally from the whole experience and not due to tamoxifen!

I have been sticking with it.


I called the helpline they so helpful and nice.


I have met several women in support group who have had no substantial side effects at all, and those who have flund they eased off after couple months.


So that very encouraging.


I am finding the Ladycare Plus magnet is helping re anxiety waves with hot flushes, definately easing down, I still get warm, sometimes hot but a cooling fan helps.


I also take valerian if anxiety continues.


The nausea and indegestion bit of a pain, have asked GP if I can increase dose of NEXIUM I have for heatburn, also using anti nausea drug if herbal teas don’t work.


Am trying gaviscon too.


So its worth trying differnt things that nurses, gp, or natural therpist can advise.


Determined to give this good go. :slight_smile: