Third mammogram and a 2nd stage screening recall letter

I’m in my early 50s and have just had my third mammogram.


Today, a matter of days later, a letter arrived. Ominously, it had been sent by first class post and instinct told me it was not going to be an all clear result. II had a shower, dressed, and prepared myself before opening the letter.  I said nothing to my husband until I had read the letter. Hubby then made me a nice cup of tea and gave me a hug. Tea and empathy, rather than sympathy.  Well, that’s what we do in the UK isn’t it?! He’s a cancer survivor himself and, in the past, has had a non-BC breast lump investigation.


My 2nd stage screening appointment is the day after tomorrow.


I am quite surprised that I am managing to remain calm.


After reading posts here, my only concern is that I am having a recall following a third mammogramm, so they do have previous mammograms for comparison.  


I understand that the percentage of recalls that result in a BC diagnosis is small. I have my genes - thankfully none of my immediate relatives have had breast cancer.  I appreciate that BC treatments have come on in leaps and bounds in recent years. I had breast reduction surgery in my mid 20s, so I have lots of internal scarring and this makes it tricky to differentiate between a scar or a lump. I’ve had two breast lump scares since my 20s. I’m hoping it’s scar tissue or a cyst again. All positives and giving me hope!


If the result is all clear, I’m going to request more regular mammogram screenings.



hi LadyM
I remember receiving the letter & thinking uh oh, it’s a thick envelope & yes, it was the recall. For me, it was the second mammo.
As you say, having had previous surgery there’s no reason why there should be an issue & mostly there is a benign reason for it.
Even IF it is bc, then as you’ve had previous mammos, it will then most likely be early, highly treatable, with a full recovery as the normal outcome, as is the case for loads of us.
If you want to, let us know how you get on & best wishes with it.
ann x

Hi LadyM,
I must admit that I went into a sort of denial beforehand & breezily went to results appointment convinced it would be ok, but at least it helped with managing the anxiety!
Anyway, I did get an early bc diagnosis, but ended up feeling very grateful it was picked up when it was, now treated & done & dusted.
Hopefully all will be ok for you tomorrow, it mostly is, but its certainly not the end of the world if it is diagnosed.
All the best for tomorrow & if you want to, let us know how you get on.
ann x