Total Lymph Removal questions and Chemo, 2 x Reconstructions in 3 years and maybe ovarian!!!!

What a story I have to tell…


A routine mamogram resulted in diagnosis of Breast Cancer yet again in November 2014.  In March 2011 I had DCIS of 750 grams, I had mastectomy and reconstruction.  The lastest diagnosis of breast cancer of the other breast was a total shock.


In January this year I went into hospital and had another mastectomy and reconstruction. 


Yesterday I was given the news that there were in fact two tumours. One grade 2 and one dcis is which is the beginning stages and what I had last time. I had my sentinel lymph node removed and four others and cancer was found in the sentinel node so it had spread. the good news is that hopefully the node has done its job and stopped it spreading.


I have to go back into hospital on the 24th of February for removal of all my lymph nodes in left arm for them to be fully tested to see if its spread. If it has then I have to have radiotherapy under arm. If not that’s one less thing!!! However. I need to have chemo ;-( one session every three weeks to ensure that the cancer doesn’t return then go on a cancer drug called tamoxifen for five years. The outlook however is good. Its just going to be very hard for the rest of the year… I am currently battling a very painful infection in my hip donor site and have two loads of high dose anti biotics because I need that clear before I can start the next phase. I am also waiting for genetic results to see if I have a brac gene which can also cause ovarian cancer. Hoping no but if yes surgery to have them removed.


I am looking for advice from any ladies who are going through similar things.  I have heard that removal of all the lymph nodes can result in frozen shoulder and then you have to be exceptionally careful with your arm and the risk of infection.  


The chemo I am due to have is FEC I think or something like that.  What are your experiences.


I am a mumy to a four and five year old and will do ANYTHING to be there for my family.  Grateful to connect with anyone to give support and get advice, knowledge.



Hi Sherrifh, I am so sorry you are going through this horrible journey again. Unfortunately I cant advise about the lymph nodes being removed as I have not had that done. I am sure one of the lovely ladies on here will be able to help though. I had invasive ductal and had surgery 3 weeks ago. I have been diagnosed as triple negative (not a true one but because one of my results was 3/8 it was only a weak positive). They don’t feel Tamoxifen will work for me so due to this I will be having chemo which is also FEC. I am waiting for my start date. Sorry I haven’t been much help but hopefully someone who can help will reply soon.

Take care Lynda xx

my name is Helene x

Thank you Gill x

Hi Helene.
I had mastectomy (2 tumours in L breast), LD Flap reconstruction and lymph clearance back in July. Movement in the affected arm is pretty good and no lymphodema so far. I did my exercises as instructed and all has been well. The general advice seems to be: no blood tests, needles or blood pressure to be taken on that side, try and avoid cuts and cover with antiseptic straight away and avoid heavy lifting or repetitive tasks. To be honest, I tend to forget about it these days… only remembering when they head toward me for a blood test.

I finished 6 rounds of chemo in December (FEC-T) and am now on tamoxifen for 10 years. The chemo isn’t nice, but it’s doable. Early days with the tamoxifen… just menopausal symptoms, a bit of joint and bone pain and pretty exhausted… although how much of that is down to the tamoxifen and how much is the residues of chemo and generally having had a gruelling 6 months I don’t know.

If you look in ‘chemo monthly threads’ on here, you’ll be able to join a group starting around the same time as yourself… I found it invaluable and a great support. The time will fly by and before you know it, it will be all over and done with. Good luck with all your treatment. xx