Tram/diep questions?

Hi Girls

Just got my date (18/12 would you believe) for my new boob. I lost my LD flap reconstruction after a recurrence in the skin so I am so excited about getting another replacement even if it does mean I’m in for Xmas!

Questions (any answers appreciated):-

  1. I have a light line of hair below my belly button…will I have this on my new boob?
  2. How did they make your new nipple? (I’ve heard there are a couple of diff. ways).
  3. Does your radiated skin look like a patchwork against the new stuff!?


Nikki x

Good luck with your op. I had a MX with imediate free tram flap recon in Aug and he did a nipple graft from the other side at the same time. I was worried about losing the sensitivity from the good side but it hasn’t made any difference and the new nipple (centre bit) is fine. I am waiting for tatooing around the areola area until the PS is sure he won’t need to adjust anything with the shape of the new boob after 6 months.
Re the hair - the pS shouldn’t use the skin from the pubic hair area or it will continue to grow!
Can’t comment on the radiation question as I have been lucky and don’t need it.
Best of luck

Good luck with recon I had tramflap so my stretchmarks are my breast but they have gone and my skin was ok they are perfectionist who do the ops so everything will look fantastic
I just had the end of the breast twisted like a volovant to make nipple and have just finished tattooing so it takes time and just let things heal because even scars take time to settle
but in the end its well worth it good luck

To answer your third question Nikki, yes, my radiated skin is a mottled pink whereas the new boob is creamy white. But only noticeable when naked so I am not bothered. I love my new boob and cleavage and flat tummy!

Good luck with your op.


I had fine hair on my tummy too,and yes,it is on the new boobs,but barely noticeable,and who sees them anyway,do u know what i mean,it doesnt make a difference to me.

Thanks Girls!

It’s good to know what to expect and anything said would never put me off!!

Nikki x