Travel Insurance declined because of porta cath?

Hi, is anybody out there that has problems getting travel insurance to America because of their porta cath?   I finished chemotherapy and radiotherapy but have still ongoing Herceptin confusions but this is not the probelm, the porta cath is.  I am really struggling to find insurance because of this.  Anybody experienced the same and knows of an insurance that does cover it.   Very grateful for any tips/suggestions.  



Not had this issue and you don’t say which companies you’ve already tried. What about Euro tunnel?

Hi, I tried quite a few. MIA insurance, insure pink, insurance with, goodtogo… But not euro tunnel. I will give that a go. Thx

Hi Vespa
Welcome to the BCC forums, along with the support here our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support for you on 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2

Here’s a link to the BCC information about travel insurance which may help:

Take care
Lucy BCC