Tumour shrinkage

I know it’s early days and everyone is different BUT has anyone’s BCN/ onc given any indication as to how long it takes for tumour to start shrinking and when we should start noticing a difference?I thought mine had started to shrink but onc said not but it was softer. I’m on FEC-T but haven’t started the T part yet. Impatient and paranoid!! ER - and Her2+

I had my surgery before my chemo so I am not speaking from experience but lots of people say that it shrinks with about the 2nd or 3rd cycle.


One lady (Flopsy I think) said that they could not find her cancer when they wanted to take it out! It had melted away.

That sounds incredible. Fingers crossed!

Thanks Strudel

Hopefully it will zap my rather large alien to kingdom come x

Mine has practically disappeared by the 33rd chemo session…they couldn’t feel or see it when they tried to be put a clip in.I was half wondering at one point if there got the wrong notes and I’d never had one at all! :slight_smile:

I got away without having to have the T part at all as my oncologist said there was no need…I went straight on to surgery

All that money spent on drugs and technology and she wields a fecking ruler?