
Hi All,

First post so was not sure where to put this but I noticed a lump in my left breast about 6 weeks ago. I went to my Doctor who could not feel it - at that point I could only feel it when I lifted my arm or was in the shower. He said to go back in 2-4 weeks if it had not improved and I could still feel it.

Well I went back yesterday as I could feel it and it was getting bigger. I can now see it!

Had my examination yesterday and have now been referred to the Breast Clinic for further tests. He could not say what he thinks it is - I only have 1 case of BC in the family and I have had a breast abcess in the past. However, due to the fact that it does not have any redness on the surface he ruled that out! He said that it is a distinct swelling and that he can feel the sides and top but is not sure how deep it goes. However, it is tender to the touch which he assured me was a good sign.

So I am now just waiting to see what ‘it’ is! I am not sure what to think but am finding it very difficult to think positively at the moment. He said to ring him in 2 weeks if I have not heard from the Breast Clinic by then.

I have just moved to a new area and feel I have no one to talk to. My other half is finding it difficult to cope with - and its only been 1 day of waiting. I can’t talk to my parents as my little sister recently had a lympoma scare and I don’t want them panicing over something that could end up being nothing.

Cookies for getting this far.


Hi Cariad

you should see the amount of posts Ive made in the past few weeks about the “waiting” game !!! it can be a nightmare so I have every sympathy.

Its good to hear that your doctor has referred you after noticing the changes - and I suppose it depends on where you live as to how long you now wait for the appointment.

Its easier said than done “not to worry” - but you should try and focus on the positives and that most lumps/bumps are eventually diagnosed as benign - and I´ll keep everything crossed that you get the diagnosis you want to hear.

In the meantime this is a brilliant place to ask, shout, scream, cry, moan and generally lean on people for support!

Make sure you do and I am sure you will get lots of it … everyone on here has started at the same place you have - and will no doubt have their own coping suggestions for dealing with the waiting game!

The ladies on here have been my lifeline in recent weeks and have put up with my ranting on regular basis!

Take care
Sue xxx

HI -I’m also playing the waiting game so know what your going through - when I eventually get to the breast clinic I will have been waiting just over 9wks from first seeing my GP - not good far too long - I too have only told hubby about it as don’t want to worry my family until I know what we are dealing with (hopefully nothing then they need never know) - its hard enough for us to cope and don’t want to put my sons parents and sisters through any needless worry as there is nothing they can do if that makes sense. Hope you get your appointment sorted out soon - take care X

Hi Lindy

I know what you mean about not telling other people as not to worry them too much. Unfortunately I did tell my mum and sisters - and I know they mean well - but when I tell them I am still waiting for the results they all say “oh well thats good news then isnt it! if it was bad they would have phoned you” … I do know they are saying it with the best of intentions, but it means I then find it difficult to be honest about how I really feel right now … which is still worried and anxious!

Fingers crossed we all get what we need really soon.

Take good care
Sue x

Hi both,

Thank you for your supportive replies.

Well my OH took it upon himself to tell my family as I was particularly low last night. It turns out he did the right thing and it was nice to talk it through with my family.

The waiting is hard but I have been assured I will be seen within the next two weeks. I just want to know and move forward whatever the outcome.

Hope you get your appointments and test results back soon.


Hi All,

My GP rang last night to say that he had heard from the clinic and that I could not be referred within two weeks as I was under 30!

He made the referral through a different means and I now have my appointment on the 28th April. He reassured me and told me not to worry - one of the reasons he has tried to rush me through is because I have had an abcess in this breast before although has ruled this out as there is no infection.

So hopefully by the end of this month I should know what is going on. By the time I have the appointment the lump will have been with me for 9 weeks.


Hi there
Glad to hear your GP had been pro active, and got you referred, always reassuring when GP is on side.

I know it seems like forever, and as everyone on here will tell you, the waiting is awful, but take things a day at a time. Your imagination will run away with you, that’s “normal” (well, as normal as anything right now!)- remember, loads of lumps are NOT cancer, but you are doing the right thing getting checked out.

Also, gald your family know, they can give you support as well as everyone here. I was the same at first, didn’t want to worry people, but I now firmly believe this is time to think about Number 1!! As they say on the ads, -“You’re worth it!”
Take Care

Lizzy M XX

Hi all - update - went to GP for second time she said she would write and try to get appointment moved forward - as of yesterday had no news so took matters into my own hands - rang breast clinic and after explaining situation put through to specialist secretary who was brilliant she phoned surgery to chase up letter - although my appointment was 1st April letter only ready to post yesterday (obviously GP not as worried as me!) secretary phoned me back within 15 mins and told me when letter arrives at hospital she will make sure correct people see it with a view to moving appointment forward - couldn’t thank her enough - it eventually seemed like someone was taking my worries seriously.
However another twist to the tale - not sure if this is coincidence but got a phone call at 8.20 yesterday evening saying they were putting another clinic on next Thursday and did I want to move my appointment forward - I jumped at the chance - 1 stop breast clinic can be up to 5 hours but get results same day - but now have very mixed emotions relieved that its sooner, have read and re read statistics on bc and know that the possibility of it been bc are low but still worried over the what ifs and terrified at the same time. have not told any of the family (only hubby knows) and don’t think I will - my way of coping I suppose - pretend its not happening and it might go away - good luck to everyone waiting for appointments and the same to all of you who are receiving treatment or waiting for results hope all goes well - take care X

hi there, just wanted to say keep your chin up, i had a lump 18 months ago that was nothing. Not so lucky this time, only found out 2 days ago i have cancer. Hopefully you will be lucky. You keep fighting your corner. Keep in touch and let me know how you go on. I’ve found talking on here, its a bit like facebook for a group of special people. Keeping my fingers crossed and wait to hear some good news from you. Pauline xxx

Hi hollymeg thanks for your reply - good to know there are people like you who understand exactly what its like - wavering now about telling boys - will have to lie to them as to where we are going (hubby coming with me) but it has to be done as need one of them to look after 5 yr old - I hate people lying to me and pride myself on never lying to them but think this time will have to so as to save worrying them until there is something for them to worry about - think that makes sense - it does in my head anyway - good luck with your treatment take care x

Hi lindyd, hows it going? Have you had your results, i do hope its good news, im thinking of you. Don’t beat yourself up about lying to your kids, i agree don’t worry them till you have to. I find out today if it has spread to my nodes so i know exactly how you feel. I come on here most days now…While i can so please come on here and talk to me. It really helps me. Pauline xxxx

Good luck today, Pauline, hope results are good. I can my post op results this morning - so fingers crossed for both of us!
Lindy - how are you doing? Have you had your appt, or is it this week?
Take care, both
Lizzy M

Good luck to Pauline and lizzy on your results today! Atleast you will know a bit more and move forward along this road! Thinking of you! love debs xxx

Thanks lizzy M, Hope we both get good results, it’s worse than waiting for exam results isn’t it. Will let you all know later. Keep busy. Pauline xxxx

Thanks debs, how you doing? Pauline xxxx

Hi All,

Good luck with your tests results today.


Morning ladies … best of luck to you with your appointments, hope you get good news.

My first day back at work today after taking a couple of days off over Easter, I will be spending my lunch break chasing the hospital once again! its getting to be a joke now!it is one month today since I had the biopsy …

Thinking about you all, and will let you know if I ever hear anything myself.

Sue xxxxx

Hi there ladies, just letting you know my lymphs are clear. Thank god for that. Looks like i have a date for the op, 30th april. Sorry your still waiting sue, its so hard i know. Got to go and spread the news, will be on again soon, can’t get through this without you all. Pauline xxx

Hi i have been reading through all your messages and im pleased im not the only one who has been waitting weeks to go to the breast clinic, i went to docs 7 weeks ago with a realy painful rite breast she wasnt overly concernd and said she would refer me to clinic and i shouldget seen with in 5 weeks, after 3 weeks and still hadnt hurd anything i phoned hospital up and i had been lost in the systom so got bk in touch with my doctor to c if they would fast track me but she wouldnt said if i had pain it was nothing to worry about, after another 2 weeks passed and still nothing i phoned hosp to find my appointment was fot the 28th of april i wasnt happy so phoned my docs again explaining i now had discharge and a thickning , i had to go and c him and they fast tracked me , hey but its easter so appointment has only been brought forward 6 days, the longer its taken the more im convinced i have bc and its taking over my life, so its nice to read your comments and realise im not the only one who feels this way, do the doctors not realise they might not be concerned but we are, and just because there is no bc in the family at one point it has to start with someone in a family so who is to say its not me. To be honest im sick of hearing myself moan about it but i carnt help it roll on monday.
Ali xx

Pauline - Great news on the nodes, really pleased for you!

Sue - Can’t believe you still haven’t heard!!! - do you have ANY nails left?! Starting to think you are right - no news = good news - Really hope so for you.

Ali - We’re all with you - waiting IS a nightmare, keep posting - rant if it helps, there is always someone here for you. Try not to let imagination run away with you (easy to say, I know - hard to do!)

And me?..went for results of WLE today…nothing back from path lab due to Easter… Hey ho…!!

So -off up to Edinburgh for long weekend. There will be wine. There will be retail therapy. Nuff said!!

Take care, all, will catch up next week,

Lizzy XX