---Welcome to the ‘DCIS/LCIS’ Chat Room

—Welcome to the ‘DCIS/LCIS’ Chat Room

—Welcome to the ‘DCIS/LCIS’ Chat Room Hello,

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If you have been diagnosed with either of these types of breast cancer, then here is the place you can discuss options for and experience of different types of treatment.

Hello Hi to all new and old members
I have just come into this new forum from the old one. I had widespread DCIS which was treated by a mastectomy in February. I still keep looking in here to meet other women going through similar so we can help each other.

Hi AnnieD— I have just spent the last hour replying to your message(one fingered typist ) only to find that when i pressed the post button some message came up telling me I cannot post on the forum even though it welcomed me when i signed in.Oh well I will try again tomorrow
Best wishes minime(formerly suzieB)

hi AnnieD— You replied to my first post last month regarding 2 WLE I am going through something a little similar to yourself as they could not get clear margins so now have to have a mastectomy(I must admit I am finding it difficult to get my head around that one) I have decided to have a reconstruction after treatment as they have said that if i get an infection it will delay the chemo,so I am going in on the 19 Dec(so it’s a good excuse to get out of cooking christmas dinner).
I was just wondering why you do not have to have anymore treatment after your mastectomy?
Best wishes

Again —I have been trying really hard to thank you for the welcome. I am leaving it as this for now as my fingers are getting tired. Computer says no. Oh this sounds awful but its been so frustrating to get a posting
Sweetpea xxx

minime Hi to you, hope you get through your op ok, and you get well pampered over the holiday.
Because my DCIS was non-invasive, they said I did not need any more treatment as no cells should have broken out of the ducts (that’s the theory). Why do you have to have chemo?

Hi to sweetpea too, keep persevering it odes get easier (still don’t like the back-to front reading though)


hi AnnieD Thankyou for your reply,just back from battleling my way round the shops trying frantically to get everything sorted befor the 19th then thats my lot. I think the reason Im getting chemo is before the 1st WLE they thought it was non invasive ,but the lab report said otherwise but the ones in the margins are pre-cancerous and the consultant has also said chemo works well on my age group(49 and premenopausal)and will also have tamoxafen.
Best wishes
minime x

—Hi Mimmi Hi

I am new to this site. But I had a mastectomy at 45 in June and yes it took me six months to get my head round it Mimmi, but I am glad it makes me feel more confident that they got rid of all the cancer

New here? I am having trouble finding my way about here,how do I post in other parts,cant see the post sign?

Finding the post sign Hi

Sorry to read that you are having trouble finding your way about the forums.

It might help to know that for new forum members the first few posts are held in moderation and during this time new members can only post on existing threads (topics of discussion). Once three posts have been approved by the moderator and appear on the forums you will be able to start new threads and your posts will appear directly after you’ve submitted them.

I hope this explains why at the moment you are unable to see the button for starting new threads.

Best wishes

BCC Moderator

—Newly Diagnosed —Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with an intermediate grade DCIS in the right breast which was removed by wide local excision on 30th Dec. (didn’t do much celebrating on New Years Eve !). Have to go back to see consultant on Tuesday to discuss further treatment etc. and am terrified and what he is going to say. He has already mentioned possibility of radiotherapy and I wondered what peoples experience of this was like - do you feel totally washed out for 6 weeks or is it possible to continue a nearly normal life about from the daily visits for treatment? All information referes to radiotherapy for 3 -6 weeks, what is deciding factor for how long you have to have treatment? I am trying to be positive but not always easy as my mind is racing with so many thoughts at the moment.