What happens at oncology appointment

My appointment with the oncologist, in preparation for starting chemo next week, is on wednesday. I have no idea what to expect at the appointment. Can anyone tell me please?

Hi there Ali49, when i first saw my oncologist i was given a group talk about what to expect on chemo, for example high temperature, avoiding infection etc! I was also weighed and given a tour of the chemo unit which was reassuring as everyone was so nice and caring.
Good luck with it, i found the anticipation far worse than the actual chemo, its not as bad as you fear, your team will send you home with a bag full of meds to help with side effects, dont suffer in silence if you have problems as most things can be controlled!

Hi Ali,Lovewine is right. Not as scary as you think. I saw my Onco and he went over the treatment plan with me. I had a few questions written down, but didn’t need them as he covered everything. I signed my consent forms and was given a copy. He also gave me the Cancer Research Chemotherapy booklet, and a print out explaining the drugs I would go on afterwards. At my pre- assessment, a couple of days before my first chemo, my designated nurse went over everything again. She took blood from me to check I was fit for the chemo, then went all the way through a booklet asking questions and checking off that I’d understood. She gave me an alert card for phoning direct for help in case of emergencies. She explained very thoroughly side effects, and advised me on toiletries ( no perfume or scrubs) , nutrition ( ginger and mint for nausea, little and often) and medications ( take pain relief  before  you need it, and use anti sickness) I very much appreciated this time with her, and found the information of great benefit. I was with her for an hour. I’m in Newcastle, but had my chemo at an outreach in Cramlington and saw this nurse all the time. Bit long winded, but hope it helps. Best of luck on your journey. All doable . ?

Thank you Annie and Lovewine. Thats very helpful xx

Hi Ali I would strongly recommend that you join the Sept 17 thread where ladies have just started their chemo journey and be able to offer you encouragement and support!