What this section is about

Hi All

Breast Cancer Care is the only UK-wide charity providing specialist support and tailored information for anyone affected by breast cancer. We collaborate with researchers from academic institutions from around the world and support novel and innovative research and evaluation.

The studies on this forum page have been through a rigorous review process by our Research and Evaluation team, and members of our Service User Research Partnership before they are approved. Collectively we think these studies advance the aims and objectives of the charity and the breast cancer population we aim to serve by contributing to knowledge and evidence about breast cancer and breast cancer specific issues.

We also aim to share any results and findings of surveys and research as and when they become available.

Disclaimer: In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the information you provide will be confidential and your identity will remain anonymous. Breast Cancer Care cannot accept responsibility for the governance of any research carried out by individuals or institutions not in its employ.

Best wishes


Forum Coordinator