What to avoid on chemo

Hi, My mum had her first chemo session on Tuesday and wasn’t given any info about things she should avoid eating. Any tips?


I don’t remember having to avoid any foods at all. But if her appetite is not great, then eat small amounts regularly. I think it will be down to how she feels. I remember feeling extremely hungry in the first couple of days and I think that was due to the steroids. Others find that they can’t eat much at that time at all. Take on lots of fluids to wash out the chemo and eat plenty of fruit and veg.

Sue x

Hi, because of neutropenia risk your mum should avoid:

unpasteurised milk and dairy, blue cheese, Stilton, Brie,

products containing live bacteria e.g. Bio yoghurts like Activia, Yakult,

ice cream from machines or vans,

prewashed or prepared salads,

undercooked fish or meat, e.g. Rare steak or sushi,



reheated rice or poultry.

eggs should be cooked hard, fruit and salad washed well. Takeaways must b hot and not reheated.


its similar to pregnancy list I think.

this was given to me by my hospital.

Hi there’s a good active leaflet about foodstuffs. If you look for aromatise inhibitor foods you should get a list of 'good ’ foods . Then if you go on each food it tells you what it does for the body. Aromatise inhibitors is when you are on hormone treatment, but I have used this as a guide throughout. I have stayed away from fatty snack foods as, contrary to popular belief, some people put on weight due to steroids. However, the gsf injections caused me to have dire wind and stomach cramps which only carbs soothed. I’m oestrogen positive so did food swaps. Now have almond milk and yogurts, no red meat or animal / fish that has been fed hormones to make them grow. Mainly veg and sea fish now.  My chemo nurse was not keen to discuss nutrition, just recommended a healthy diet, and when felt crap eat something - anything you fancy. And it does get to that stage. Some foods are better combined eg. Strawberries with blueberries are more effective inhibiting cancer cells. If you are near a Maggies centre there is loads there on nutrition, and the staff are very knowledgable . Just re read this - sorry if ott! X

Thank you guys so much! Nothing ott in terms of what we can do to minimise chance of infection!

I see you mention Maggie’s. Which one is that?x

Hi Annie j
I’ve found one in Christies which is 20 minutes from me! I actually know people who go so they are going to take me later in the week after I e seen my Chemo lady.xx

I will do Annie j
I will see how I get on with my chemo nurse this Weds and see when I start and how I react to the chemo. Starting to get anxious now.xx

Mine too was Grade 0 DCIS op and radio would sort…then to be told G2, chemo, anorher op, radio and tablets! Deffo a big shock but need to prepare for treatment now with a pisitive mind.

We will fight it together my love.xx

Hi Jencat
Hipe you are feeling better! I’ve posted a new thread about my Sept 4th chemo start! Going to worry about it more near the date!
Fight! Fight! Fight!!!xxx

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You are right about the googling. I did at the beginning and got myself worked up so much.xx