Whether to tell people

In the past I’ve found it hard to share stuff like worries with my family. However, when I had a recall on my routine mammogram in January, I made a decision to be open with them and also with a few close friends. Why did I do this? I thought that if I didn’t tell them anything but then a few weeks later there was bad news it’d be a much greater shock for them. It’s almost certain now that I only have benign breast conditions but I’m still glad I shared stuff with them.

I have a recall appointment tomorrow & so far only my husband & eldest son (18) know what’s happening. I’ve told my youngest I’ve got to have another test. I’ve been debating whether to tell my parents or not - they are proper worriers & so far I thought it best not to tell them in case it turned out to be nothing but now you’ve made me think if the opposite is true - it will be an even bigger shock!


Anyone else have any thoughts?