Which hospital for surgery - which consultant - Bucks

Hello to all. Just found my way to this website and stumbling thro how to use it so my apologies for clumsiness. Diagnosed 8 days ago with DCIS - gp telephoned to tell me. Still waiting contact from Stoke Mandeville re treatment altho they specialise in spinal injuries. Do I have a choice of hospitals or consultant? Hospitals and consultants - horses for courses according to websites. How can I make myself have confidence in healthcare professionals?

Hi, hope this isn’t too late to help with your decision!

I’m at MK, and have had good treatment there, including a mastectomy & node clearance.
Stoke are very highly rated for plastic surgery as well as spinal, and that’s something that can only be of help.
Depending on your travel issues, I’d stick with Stoke to be honest, as heard good things about them there!

I also went to MK (wide local excision & node clearance) and am more than happy with my treatment there. The head consultant is star!
However, when it comes to radiotherapy, MK send you to Northampton, which may be a bit of a hike for you. I’m afraid I can’t comment on Stoke Mandeville as my experience with them was a long time ago and for something completely different!
Good luck