
I have secondary mets but Herceptin has kicked in and they’ve virtually disappeared!I should be happy but I feel so frightened that they’ll come back… It’s a quite aggressive cancer and I do things and wonder “what’s the the point”. It’s stopping me enjoying my life. I am on antidepressants and they are helping.I have considered counselling but I’m frightened I’ll make a complete fool of myself! Does anyone else feel like this?

Yes  I feel like that. Ive just been recently diagnosed with bone mets and feel lost like all my dreams taken from me and really angry too, but I’m hoping I can somehow come to terms with this and live the life I have left to the fullest I can making good memories with my loved ones for them. I dont think for me the worry of how long I have will go but I must try to do things that will take me out of myself. I’m sorry if this isnt the right thing to say as I said Ive only been diagnosed a couple of weeks and still in the shell shocked stage. Hugs to you my sister in pain, I’m with you.

Sooty, counselling is amazing and if I were you, would do it!! I’ve had cancelling a few times and it’s really helped me. You will NEVER make a fool of yourself!! You have a serious condition and they will help you adjust and accept it and see it from a different angle. But will massively help your depression too.

Take care. Xx